Kral Zera

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The pile of galra hybrids and one human began stirring awake at the same time and they sat up blinking wondering where they were at.

Lance kissed Lotor lovingly and Ezor wrapped her arms around Acxa and kissed her cheek. "Lotor you smell," Lance blurted our and Zethrid snickered.

"Yeah yeah, shower?" Lotor offered. "Yes please," Lance smiled and they stood up walking to Lance's room stripping their clothes. Lance noticed a large scar on his hip and he frowned.

Lotor's fingers caressed the new scar and he leaned down placing a kiss on his hip. "Beautiful," Lotor said and Lance smiled bringing Lotor to his lips.

"Let's get that hair washed shall we?" Lance offered and Lotor nodded and they took their shower.

"Have fun?" Zethrid asked and Lance winked playfully punching her arm as they snickered and joked together.

"Lotor," Allura caught Lotor's attention and began. "Now that Zarkon is defeated who will take the throne?" She asked and Lotor nodded. "Whenever a emperor or empress dies a new one is needed. Some of Zarkon's most trusted commanders will be fighting in the Kral Zera," Lotor spoke and Hunk looked confused.

"What exactly is the Kral Zera? Will there be food? Sounds fancy," he spoke and Lotor shook his head. "It is a coronation ceremony for a new emperor or empress. It will be held at the first planet, we, the galra, have conquered," Lotor said looking down and Lance walked over slipping his hands in Lotor's comforting him.

"Planet Fayiv, a sacred land," Lotor said and Lance spoke up. "Lotor wants peace throughout the universe. There are galra out there who hated the way Zarkon ruled, like the Blade of Marmora. Lotor should be be the new emperor. Perhaps Voltron and the new empire will join forces," Lance said and Shiro looked to be in deep thought.

"I agree," Shiro said but Allura didn't. "Shiro, you might trust Lotor but I don't. Who knows if he has been tricking us this hole time?" Allura said and Lance glared at her.

"I agree with Shiro. If Lotor becomes the emperor then this war would end faster. We would be taking a huge step," Pidge said and Allura growled. Hunk agreed as well but Keith seemed reluctant. "I agree with both sides. Shiro and Pidge have a point but so does Allura. Who knows, Lotor is the son of Zarkon," he said.

"Now wait a minute mullet," Lance glared and continued. "You yourself are part galra, but your not bad like some of them. You didn't even know you were galra until like 6 months ago! If you can't trust Lotor them trust me!" He said and Zethrid and Ezor whooped.

"You don't know Lotor like we do. He took us in from a refugee planet and saved us from starving and put us to use. He needed us and we needed him, we have become family. At first we also though he was bad like Zarkon but after time he proved himself to be nothing like him," Acxa said and Lance nodded.

"Okay, say we do help Lotor, how do we do it without starting a fight?" Pidge suggested. "I will be bringing Voltron," he said and Allura glared. "That's too risky," she said and Shiro faced her.

"When the galra lash out the entire universe suffers, I'm sorry allura but I am the leader and I say we are helping Lotor," he said and began walking out. "Yeah! Let's kick some galra ass!" Zethrid cheered and Lance shook his head. "I'll be right back," he told Lotor and he nodded.

Lance fan after Shiro. "Shiro! Shiro! Wait up," Lance said and he stopped. "Are you okay Shiro? I noticed that you have been different lately," Lance asked and Shiro stayed silent for a minute.

"I don't think so Lance... I just don't... feel like myself," Shiro told Lance and he tilted his head. "What do you mean?" Lance asked. "Well, my head is just.. confused?" He asked himself and Lance.

"It is all confusing," Shiro said and had his head down. Lance stayed silent not knowing what to do. "Don't worry Shiro, soon enough everything will make sense," Lance said trying to comfort him and Shiro nodded walking away.

Lance sighed and walked back to Lotor and he noticed Allura gone. "Lance," he turned around hearing his name and faced Coran. "Is Shiro alright?" Coran asked. "Yeah he just is having a hard time," Lance told him and Coran nodded. "Well I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry." Coran said and Lance nodded bringing him for a hug. They parted and Lance smiled turning around to be attacked by Ezor.

"Watch out! You will give me a heart attack!" Lance shouted and she giggled. He shook his head and walking to Lotor burying his head in his chest inhaling his scent.

"Stressed?" Lotor asked and Lance nodded leaning up to kiss Lotor.

"I really just want this to be over. I want to get married already and see my mama," Lance told him. "Soon love. Soon," Lotor said and kissed his cheek.

"Do you want to talk about Zarkon? I know you hated him and all but me getting her must've scared you. Do you need to talk about it?" Lance asked and Lotor shrugged.

"Scared me. I thought I would loose you and I can't imagine life without you. You hold me together and if I were to be shattered you will take the time and glue every piece back together.

I'm lucky to have you Lance. You help me continue everyday, making me happy and waking up next to me. You're the best thing that happened to me," Lotor told him and Lance felt tears in his eyes.

"You and your sweet talks," Lance smiled and took Lotor's hand playing with his claws. "I won't ever leave you I promise," Lance pressed a kiss to his hand then his lips.

"And I you," Lotor said happily.

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