chapter 15

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I took a deep breath. "Ok. First thing is first. How can I help you guys so you don't kill Any night guard?"

Foxy gave a shrug as I tapped my chin. I snapped my fingers smiling. "How about story's? Like like what are you thinking about right now."

"Revange." Freddy said bluntly. The next to talk was chica.

"Food.. I'm thinking of food I'm hungry."

"Yer always hungry lass!"

Chica shot him a look as I gave a small giggle. "Food does sound nice." I muttered then looked at foxy and Bonnie.

"What else are you thinking. We will go over it one by one!" I put on a happy smile as foxy crossed his arms.

"I don't like sharin how I feel lass."
Ok maybe this was gonna take a long time with him then.. but I want to help my only friends.

"I wanna punch mike." Bonnie grumbled.

"Is it becouse he was next to me?" I gave a soft smile and took his hand as Bonnie looked away quickly. Yes I did make this whole thing akward but when I snapped about my parents they heard me out. They need the same.

The only problem was.. they where not telling me. I sighed and sat back down as chica got pizza for everyone.

I grabbed some as I hate it. O was still dead tired from last night. There was a lot of running and fright.
They must have noticed as chica spoke up. "Hey (y/n)? Do you need some more sleep?"

"Well it is 6 am." I have my friends a warm smile as foxy then spoke. "Aye, going back to sleep sounds good."

Chica then gasped. "We can make a pilloe fort and sleep there!!"

This made you laugh at the thought. "Oh Yeah? How are you going to do that?"

"Easy! Take everyone's beds, pillows, blankets and some cushions from the sofa back stage!"

Freddy gave a snort. "You want everyone to drag their mattress out of their room?"

"Yeah, duh."

Bonnie had a small smirk looping his hand onto mine. I let him as he spoke. "It dosnr sound like a bad idea but I don't want to clean up."

Chica then jumped on the table. "Then I Will! I'll clean it up after we all take a nice good nap!"

"Aye, and ye be complaining about it later."

"Hey no I wont!"

This cussed everyone to laugh and be dragged off by chica. We where now back stage as I helped chica gather all the blankets and pillows we could find, while the boys helped move the beds

Bonnie foxy and Freddy all got the mattresses set up, as me and chica moved in making the roof and walls. I laughed when foxy a
Hit Freddy with a pilloe and suddenly it was a pillow fight to the death. I snickered coming from chica from behind and hitting her with a pillow.

Only problem was, that she ducked and my pilloe smacked Bonnie in the face. I gasped as he smirked. "Oh it's on (y/n)!"

He ran for me as o scrambled away only to be fought by him and his pillows. I laughed as he floped me on the bed as we played and messed around, I forgot how tired I was, but as soon as pur fun was over we all got even more tired and layed in the pillow fort.

Foxy was snoring next to Freddy, as chica was by the entrance slightly drooling. Mean while I was leaning next to Bonnie, slowly closing my eyes as he put his arms around me.

They may be murderous ghost, but they still cared for me, and I cared for them. Enough to want to help them. That's when my train of thought went blank and I fell asleep right next to Bonnie

A/n Hey sorry this is so short, I'm been in a writing funk for a while, so I'm going to move to other story's for a bit just so I can get my creative flow back here.

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