chapter 13

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His grip was cold and harsh as he ran. He was dragging me being before suddenly stopping, making me yelp and hit his side. I stumbled back regaining my surroundings.

I yanked my arm from his grip as my kneels buckled. My body shook but I looked up hearing a grunt from the blond man. He looked st me for a long time. It felt like ages of his cold eyes staring at me. He moved back into the darkness but it looked like he disapeared.

I struggled to get on my feet only to came face to face with a news paper on the wall.

"Huh?" My hands grabbed it as I skimmed over the words.

"Dead... children?" I looked at the tittle and it clicked what Mike said.  When he ment this place was hell... He ment it was haunted. Was that why he said they acted diffrent at night?

I kept looking over the papers. Missing children... Oh no. My eyes then widen. The children where murdered in this place and hidden. Who is that monster!

My breathing picked up as I tossed the papers away. Hands on my face. I was too busy in my own thoughts that I didn't hear someone walk behind me. It was creeping closer before it grabbed my shoulder. Making me yell.

I yanked back not knowing who it was but I was meet face to face with Bonnie.

My breathing was heavy, but my adrenaline was giving out. Took a large breath and fell to my knees. As I did so Bonnie put his hand on my back, rubbing it slightly. We stayed silent. He mist.have known how confused and scard I was cuz he didn't pull me in a hug.

After a long time of silance he sighed. He sat by me instead of kneeling down. "(Y/n).... I'm sorry. We wanted to tell you but..." he grits his teeth before speaking again. "We wanting another chance at life."

Amy eyes widen as he pulled me in a hug. "W-what...?" That was all I could get out. As much as I was jumpy right noe it felt nice to be in his arms, and him talking to me instead of yelling at mike.

His ears became flat on his head. He was thinking on how to say it. He was thinking on how to tell me.

"Long ago... there was five kids. Two of them had golden hair, another was brown like chocolet, and the other red." Bonnie finally spoke, but his voice had a crack in it.

He started to describe that day. He said it was a birthday party. Kids where laughing and having fun. Aprently this was before I moved here, but right after my mom died, so I knew where to pinpoint this in a timeline.

Aprently the party was for twins. They fessed alike and had the same hair cut, only there hair was.diffrent colors.
Brown and golden. Thwy where boy their friends. A bling girl in pigtails, a messy redhead, and a boy with dark purple hair.

They sing and played, but there happiness did not last, for a worker all dressed in purple lead them back stage. It was clearly a trick but at the time the kids didn't know. They where about to be slotterd.

I froze as I looked at Bonnie. I had many questions but the one I could get out was the one inmostly wanted to know.

"How... do you know that story?"

Again there was a long and dreadful silance. Bonnie was looking down at the floor. His eyes shifting, trying to gather the words. "Those kids... where us." He turned his head to look at me. His hand cupped my cheek as he spoke again. "Are life was stolen from us... but we wanted to live again."

"So... how are you here and.. older?"

"A ghost can change it's form to what ever it wants." He gave a sad chuckle. It then clicked with me. Why they liked kids so much is becouse that's when they died... and they went to school to live a little. They always came back here after. Why? Is it becouse they died here and thwy always have to come back?

I felt like I already asked enough questions and leaned on Bonnie's chest.

Before I knew it I shut my eyes relaxing, but fell asleep. This night was scary and confusing but maybe.. just maybe I can help them like they helped me. They gave my my first friends in a long time... I want to help them.

school life (Bonnie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now