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Preface: I am going to stop putting prefaces unless necessary, I want you to come to your own interpretations and understandings. I am not supposed to know what the hell these poems mean to you, I am only the writer with my own beliefs. Saying that, mine will be very spiritual, if this bothers you, ignore this and carry on. I am a spiritual person (spiritual, not perfect) and believe that Christ is the Messiah and the only way to Heaven. On to the poem.

More than anything give me Truth!

Lie no more about the State of our Sovereignty!

Lie no more about your Lovers and your Past!

Of your present and who you are!

Lie no more about who I am!


and here I thought you knew,

I thought you understood!

So naïve was I, that I thought you could say!

That you would let me in on the secret!

That the secret that is mine would be mine to share,

Stop feeding me false visions of Grandeur,

False hopes of fame and prosperity,

Tell me my Dream!

Lie no more of its Content!

Dissect it piece by piece till I understand,

Where to go and what to do!

If you can't tell me then surely God can!

My Lord and Saviour,

Who only reveals his plans in his time.

I want to understand!

How, O God, can you use Me?

Filthy and Ruined and Destroyed,

Weathered by the world,

Weighed down by stress.

Give me Peace and Healing, O Lord;


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