home sweet home

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   ✈ "So did you bring me a present?" My little brother, Carter, jumped up next to me on the sofa.

I chuckled, "What makes you think I brought you a present?"

"You always bring me something." He frowned, crossing his arms.

I laughed at him once more, "Of course I have a gift for you! What kind of a sister do you think I am? I set it on you bed."

He gave me a hug and ran off in the direction of his bedroom. I really had missed him.

My mother had been standing in the doorway, smiling at me. I stood and walked to her. She engulfed me in a hug. "I missed you so much, Momma."

I pulled back and noticed her wiping her eyes, "Why are you crying?"

She smiled at me, "I'm just so happy to see you. You're getting so old."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm only eighteen."

"Ninteen in a few days!" She corrected. "So, your father's men tell me of a guy that was with you at the airport." My mother grinned at me.

We sat down on the leather couch, "He's just a friend." Damn, who knew that the secret service couldn't keep a secret from my mother.


I sighed, "He wants to take me out; like on a date."

"That's wonderful!" She embraced me, "Just be sure you don't make plans on Thursday. Your father has spent months organizing your party."

"Is it really my  party, or is it just a chance for Dad to see all of his politician friends?" I rolled my eyes.

"The reelection is coming very soon. Your father needs all the publicity he can get." My mother defended him, "Speaking of your father, he wanted to see you in his office."

I sighed. Just fucking great.

I walked down the twisting and turning hallways of The White House. Finally, I reached the door to his office. The two guards recognized me and allowed me entrance.

"Hello Dad." I took the chair across from him.

He smiled, removing his glasses and setting some papers aside, "You're getting settled in?

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Yes. This place is so homey."

"You know I don't like your sarcasm, Reese."

I scoffed, but said nothing.

"The reason I called you in here was to talk about your party. I need to know if you want to have any live music? I was thinking maybe the DC orchestra?"

I grinned getting an idea, "Actually, I have some friends who I asked to play. Don't worry about it, I'll get it all taken care of."

"Oh, well it's nice to see you take the initiative. May I ask what type of music they play?"

"It's- uh- jazz. It's a jazz band." I tried to keep a straight face.

"Oh, how wonderful!" My father exclaimed, "I do so love jazz music. It's very soothing."

"I know, Dad, I know."

This was going to be fun.


try to imagine 5sos playing smooth jazz i'm cackling

there was no calum in this chapter how sad

but there is a surprise next chapter i'm so excited;-))

please vote/comment

okay ily

-abby has a double ear infection ughh

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