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dedicated to forevermores because she always comments sweet things ah ily


  ✈ "Ready?" Calum asked me. 

I nodded my head, "Let's do this."

With our free hands that wern't holding our carry on bags, we locked our fingers together. We entered the airport and looked around, it seemed quiet, for now. 

"Look! It's Cal!" A shrieking voice was heard, then many more following it. We were in a mob. 

"Calum! Sign my arm!"

"Calum! Follow me on twitter!"

"Calum! Take a picture with me!"

"Calum! Who is that??"

People finally realized that I was in fact not a part of this crowd. He saw also and tried to get us moving faster, "I'll be back in a minute to meet you all. I have to get my friend to the front really quickly."

At the pace we were moving, it felt like trying to run while in a dream. Then, also like a dream, I fell almost in slow motion. My hand slipped from Cal's and I was on the ground.

"Backaway! Clear this space!" I heard a booming voice, "Move away from the president's daughter!"

Everyone stepped back quickly, except Calum. He gave me his hand and pulled me up. 

My father's men moved in on him, "Is he bothering you?"

"No!" I answered quickly, the last thing I wanted was for Calum to get beat up by the secret service, "He's my friend."

"Well, say goodbye. Your father is waiting for you in the car."

"Lighten up, Jason." I rolled my eyes.

I turned back to Cal, "I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you."

He shook his head, "Don't even worry about it. Plus, I've never seen a mob clear out that quickly. I might just have to keep you around." He smirked and pulled me into his arms.

"I'll talk to you later, little one." He whispered into my ear, and I smiled, pulling back from him. Then I was being dragged away by tall men in black suits and the crowd was resurfacing around Calum.

I knew this would happen. Everything was so much easier on the plane. I was just Reese and he was just Calum.

7 hours & 51 minutes just wasn't long enough.

i've rewritten this 4 times and i'm still not happy with it

like this whole president thing was my plan from the beginning and i've been dropping hints but now that it's written i don't think i like it

please comment and tell me if you like the president thing or if you don't like it

also new cover because i was getting tired of the old one ah

ok ily

-abby has to clean ew

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