The Changing

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I clamped my hands over my ears but the screams worked their way between my fingers and into my head. All I could think of was who was screaming and why.

My Dad flicked the light switch on and the room was flooded with bright light. The room was littered with bubbling and fizzing concoctions. some were giving off smoke and they were all bizarre colours. It was like the lab of the mad scientist in the movies. I think my Dad is a mad scientist.

Then I froze in horror as I saw the writhing shape of a body on the floor. I couldn't tell if it was man or beast but it had a human torso with arms and legs but its head was that of a wolf and their arms were covered in a thick russet fur. Claws were tearing appart the ends of their fingers as they broke through the flesh and a layer of thick crimson blood mad the floor beneath them sticky. Their ears were pointy and they had a snout and a long tail was growing slowly, painfully out of their lower back. I could hear bones cracking and breaking as their entire body transformed into a rust coloured wolf. The screams of pain became howls untill the human being was almost completely beast. Then the body of the wolf fell limp and my Dad walked over and picked it up. He carried the body of the wolf up to the table and laid it down carefully on the worktop.

I knew what my Dad was going to say before he said it.

"I'm so sorry, Son. It's Amber."

I screamed at him and ran out of the lab. He'd turned my only friend into a monster and he was going to pay.

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