New Kid

34 2 0

I looked in the mirror and a stranger stared back. He was wearing a plain white shirt and a black and red striped tie. His face was clean and his hair was natural brown. I pulled on my blazer and did up the top button.

I looked ridiculous.

My Mum had polished my shoes and left them by the door. As I came down the stairs she straightened my tie and fussed about with my hair. I pulled on my backpack and reached for the door. My Dad called to me from the kitchen.

"Good luck on your first day at school!" he yelled.

"sure," I mumbled back. I was dreading it.

I pushed open the door and walked outside. It was warm outside and the sun was shining. Mum shut the door behind me and I started walking down the road.

Checking behind me first, I ruffled up my hair and loosened my tie. The blazer was hot and uncomfortable so I shoved it in my bag. I untucked my shirt and sighed. It was going to be a long day.

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