Prophecy unfolds. The struggles by facing a god part 1.

Start from the beginning

As they entered the control room, no one seems to be present there. However something dreadful were still shown there. On every activated computer screen, the twins could now view different part of the world. However beside the buildings, cars and stuff like that, everything was completely desolated. There were no living creatures to be seen. No animals. No humans. This was like seeing the ghost town of Domino city all over again.

"This can't be.." Tara uttered rather shocked.

"Everyone in the world has disappeared" Jaden added just as shocked. Both took some steps back, as they witnessed this horror filled moment. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Jaden and Tara Yuki" The twins could suddenly hear from the speakers, and the screen changed on all the computers. They now showed this weird dark eclipse. "Let's settle this once and for all". The twins looked puzzled around.

"Who is this?" Jaden then questioned rather annoyed.

"Jaden I don't like this" Tara then replied "This eclipse makes me feel uneasy. I have this strange feeling something bad has happened. Let's get out of here".

Jaden nodded and both of them rushed outside. A dreadful sight awaited them. Or in this case, didn't await them. Where Jesse, Yusuke and Ember had been when they left, were no longer there. Everything was as desolated as they had seen on the screen. Besides the cat Pharaoh and the little light ball who was Professor Banner.

"No! Yusuke, Jesse, Ember!" Jaden now shouted. It was like he hoped they answered his call in where they actually were. All Jaden got back was utter silence.

"Jaden, Tara" They suddenly heard, as Professor Banner materialized himself in spirit form beside them "Look at this..".

Tara and Jaden both turned their attention towards whatever Professor Banner was pointing at. As Tara had feared, something was clearly wrong with this eclipse. It seemed like it came closer and closer to them.

"What is that? It is Not just an Eclipse?" Jaden wondered worriedly.

"As I feared. This is not normal at all" Tara replied. But then again, had anything been normal since they left duel academy doing the exam trial?

"Jaden and Tara Yuki" They could once again hear this voice say. Banner turned sacredly into a light ball again and hit behind Jaden as the Eclipse came closer and closer. "The time has come for the final showdown between You and I. Just like the prophecy foretold". Tara bit her lip a little. This was not good at all.

"Who are you?" she then shouted in her monotone voice. '

"I am the real Nightshroud. The one you just defeated were merely a part of me" the voice then replied. Tara's eyes narrowed. Where did that voice come from?

"A part of you? You mean the one inside Yusuke?" Jaden then questioned. He was also looking around, trying to track where Nightshroud were coming from.

"Yes. You two have not seen my true identity" Nightshroud then replied.

"Then show your true identity! Nightshroud!" Jaden now shouted back in an angry tone.

Tara froze slightly. She could feel something. Something was happening, and It was coming from that eclipse, who were coming closer and closer. Now that she got a better look at it, it did resemble a dark sphere similar to the one she had just been in.

"Jaden! Jaden, he is right in front of us!" Tara then shouted in their mind link, and made Jaden focus on what was right in front of him. What they had thought were just an eclipse were in fact this world of true Darkness. As it was only meters away from them, Tara could even sense their friends from inside that thing.

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