Bonds broken by destiny?! Part 2.

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Apparently I didn't count on how much the duel, an intense duel in my eyes, filled along with all that happened to Tara, so well this is gonna be a three chapter part. So sorry about that, but at least you get to read a lot more lol. Please comment on what you think when done reading the chapter ok 😊 Oh and decided on how Jaden's Arcana card looks like. The fool card epic right?!

Normal p.o.v.

"Wait the twins went to Domino City?!" Dr. Crowler uttered rather stunned. He was currently present in Chancellor Sheppard's office, and the good chancellor nodded.

"Yeah, and we haven't had any contact with them for some time now, since they went to Domino City" Sheppard replied slowly. He was rather worried.

"Damn it those brats" Crowler uttered annoyed "What were they thinking, running off during this important Graduation duel?". Sheppard nodded slightly, thinking, You two just have to make it in time, Tara and Jaden Yuki.

Outside on school grounds, duels of a different sort was delivered all around the island. Certain obelisk blue students were winning duel with a familiar evil monster. Something Trueman was known for using. Dark archetype. An Obelisk blue boy were currently using it, attacking a student, to draw him into the world of darkness.

"As promised, I'll have you disappear!" the obelisk boy said and made his opponent vanish, leaving only the duel disk behind.

Two other students, One of them being in Sorano's appearance, walked out from behind the trees there. Both of them smirking evilly.

"We no longer need these bodies, that gave birth to us from the darkness in their hearts" the guy with brown hair said.

"Any memories or existence is no longer needed" the obelisk boy with Green hair said and smirked evilly. Sorano nodded at that too.

"There is only one will needed in the world. There's only..". He began radiating in a dark aura now. As did the other two boys the energies they were releasing, now got send up in the sky to who knows were. Then they all uttered in unison.


Haou's p.o.v.

Haou was not happy. He was not happy at all. He was floating in spirit form beside Jaden, and were watching how his new temporary vessel were an idiot. Jaden Yuki was literally going into a trap, and he hadn't even realized it! He refused to believe anything Haou was telling him, and really believed this former light's host Sartorius, was speaking the truth. He considered him a friend. Haou on the other hand considered this foolish. Jaden was acting irresponsible and on pure emotions. Haou used logic and common sense. Jaden literally didn't realize his surroundings right now for instance. They were in an elevator! Going to that supposed helicopter at the top of this building, who should supposedly bring them back to duel academy, and stop Trueman and his goons assault on duel academy. That sounded perfectly reasonable. Or not! There were some major facts that could prove it, and if Jaden just would think a little bit rational, he would see that as well. Like for instance, that Tara was not in this building. They were in an elevator, and with Tara's claustrophobia, there was no way, she would go in there along with Yubel. Even if she took the stairs, Haou didn't believe Tara would just wait at the top. She would not go up there without her brother. The closest would be her waiting inside. After all she was not a fool, unlike Jaden. Right now Jaden was conversating with Sartorius. They were talking about how Axel had been bait for Jaden and Tara. All to lure them here, so they could attack Duel academy. Haou hissed angry. Sartorius were sneaky. He knew that from the twins second year. He could hide a lie, beneath the truth. Haou knew Sartorius spoke the truth right now. Axel had been bait, and duel academy was under attack. That made others, who were fools like Jaden, believe everything he said. He had done that before after all. Telling Jaden half lies around the prophecy, making the boy believe that to create balance in the universe, one of them were the lights chosen one, and the other the darkness. If Jaden had sacrificed himself there to free Tara, the light would either have not kept its word, or freed Tara, but have kept some of the light stored inside her, making her come back in the end. Either way he would have gotten both of them. Haou knew the light was greedy. Always has, and always will be. Haou's eyes fixated on Sartorius now. He was not infected by the light in anyway now, but the king wondered what drew him towards the light in the first place. After all, it wasn't the light who seek out people to become it's host, it was people's desire who drawn the light to them. He turned to Jaden.

Yugioh gx special season 4.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ