The oath of friendship. Battle royal mode. part 1.

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Sorry for the late update you guys. I first had some blocks, and then I had health issues, that made it difficult writing. That and I got caught up in making preparations for other stories. Hope you can forgive me! :'( However I am hopefully coming back now. Have fun reading!

Tara's p.o.v.


The word echoed around them, as the Trueman moved out of the way and let Tara and co. have free access to Yusuke, and the bubble who encaged Ember. Tara could see that Ember had went unconscious in there, and she hissed slightly inside. It was true she had placed a protective spell on Ember, but as the things stand right now, it was about to pass. If Ember stayed in that globe for much longer, she wouldn't survive that fake darkness's influence.

"How dare you do this to Atticus!" Jaden shouted now beside her. Anger was clearly shown in his eyes now. "He loved you. Even if that is a little weird, and all you did was.. was.. I will not forgive you Yusuke Fujiwara!".

As he let out this roar of anger, light emitted beside Jaden, and Tara could see how Honest materialized beside him. The angels eyes were starting at Yusuke however.

"Master" he said as the only word. Yusuke was still having that evil smirk on his face, as he turned his attention to the angel.

"I see. You are with the Yuki twins now" he then mused.

"Honest, I will surely save Yusuke" Jaden then proclaimed and glared at Yusuke. He activated his duel disk "Duel me!".

Tara could see how worried Honest now looked. Yusuke didn't even seem worried one bit. Tara figured he would, because of the prophecy and all that, but he was as calm as ever.

"Who are you gonna save?" Yusuke teased in a mocking tone "Please enlighten me".

"You! I'll save you from this fake hell of darkness" Jaden sneered back. Yusuke however just chuckled darkly at that. It was like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Me really? I think you misunderstood your priorities Jaden" He said and chuckled again. A finger was pointed at the sphere Ember was in. "I thought you came here to save her. But then again we don't really need saving do we Ember? No, no, the ones who needs saving is all you!". He pointed at all of them now.

"What?!" Jaden and Jesse uttered in unison and disbelief.

Tara narrowed her eyes. She didn't like where this was going at all. Yusuke chuckled again.

"Don't let your ears be deceived by the words of card spirits or spirits in general. It will make you no good really" he then continued. Jaden hissed angrily.

"You! Honest came to this world because he believes in you" He then shouted "He thinks only of you". Yusuke only snort at that.

"I believe in nothing now. I only gave myself up to my master Nightshroud" he then replied and smirked an evil grin. "Now let's get this duel underway". By those words, Honest sighed deeply and redraw himself back into Jaden's soul.

"Jaden, Tara, I'll be fighting with you" Jesse then proclaimed and activated his duel disk "I have a debt to pay. For him hurting Ember!".

Jaden nodded slightly at that. Tara were silent as well. She knew they couldn't change Jesse mind in him helping them in this duel. She activated his duel disk too and were about to plug in her deck..

"Ah hold it, little queen of darkness" Yusuke then uttered and surprised everyone "You will not be joining us in this duel". Tara and the others looked stunned at him.

Yugioh gx special season 4.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora