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Hi, I hope your enjoying the story so far! Sorry for not updating for so long but now I'm gonna try and update daily or at least every other day.

Here's chapter nine! Enjoy (:


*Landon's POV*

Luke just kept holding me as I cried but I knew he wanted to ask questions. I hate telling this story but I guess I have no choice now.

Trying to calm myself I begin to take deep breaths and pull away from Luke's embrace. He gives me a sad smile when my tears finally come to a halt and I begin wiping my face clean.

"I-uh" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Landon you don't have to-"

"No I-I need too." He stays quiet and gives me a curt nod. I sit up taking a shaky breath before continuing.

"The reason the comments got to me is because.. First of all I'm not good with people hating me. I'm not sure why but it's just always bugged me when someone didn't like and I can't handle it sometimes. Second I'm not sure how but they found out some stuff from when I was in high school that really effected me."

Luke stayed quiet with his intent state on me waiting for me to continue. With anther deep breath I finish my story, "I've known Halley since like, third grade and we also had a friend named Lacey Miller. The three of us were inseparable, like every weekend we'd have a sleepover and we were always together in groups in school, most of our classes were together and we were just three best friends. Freshmen year there was a shift, Lacey became more distant, Halley was more involved in studying and I was too busy with all my classes and extra after school things to notice the shift."

"I guess we just drifted, but what we didn't know is Lacey was having issues. Family issues and personal issues, she uh- eventually we all got together again and after a few too many drinks she started telling Halley and I about her home life. Her dad used to beat her..." I choke on my own breath as the tears began to build up again. "And she never told anyone, eventually it was too much for her and she began cutting herself. She told us how most days she wouldn't eat and if she did she just threw it up later. W-we felt so bad. Our best friend was dealing with all of this and we had no idea, she was alone through it all."

As I think of the next events I begin to cry softly, "That week we went to the office and reported her dad and told them about her cutting and eating disorder.. W-we didn't know!" I call out feeling the regret restrict my breathing.

"Landon-" Luke starts but I just shake my head.

"They went to her house and they didn't have any proof so they dismissed it except for her cutting and eating problems. She wasn't in school for three days and when we went to see her when her dad wasn't home." I close my eyes seeing the image of her bruised face, cut lip and the way she winced with every movement. "H-he hurt her so bad Luke."

"Oh god," he whispers pulling me into a hug.

"She kept saying she couldn't do it anymore but we didn't catch on! We should've caught on!" I sob. My breaths came in short pants, gasping for air. I hated this, I hate what happened, I hate how much I could've been the one to help her. I could've stopped her. "That night she did it... And I could've stopped her. I should've seen it long before, but I was too caught up in what I was doing. I-I'm just," I break into heavy sobs.

"Landon, it's not your fault." Luke coos into my ear as he holds me tightly. "Things happen and it sucks and I'm sorry you had to go through that but it's not your fault. Some people are just really good at hiding their feelings."

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