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*Landon's POV*

I opened my eyes instantly regretting it when a throbbing pain sets in my head; I groan at the light coming in from my window and call out, “Halleyyyyy!” Dang Hangovers. I try my best to sit up slowly so I don’t end up puking my brains out and feel slightly at ease when Halley’s small frame is at my door way with a cup of water and bottle of pills. She knows me so well; she sends me a soft smile as I thank her and quickly swallow my only hope of relief, “What happened last night?” I ask as I try to recall anything but it’s all pretty blurry after we get to the club.

“Well we had a great night, met two cute boys, mine is actually taking me out tonight and I don’t think you got your boys phone number.” She giggles. “Yeah probably cause I was too drunk to think of it.” I laugh but wince at the pain from my head.

“Oh and your interview is in an hour by the way.” I sigh. “Damnit, I almost forgot about that.” The brown haired girl laughs at me as I plop my head onto my pillow and reluctantly roll my body off of my warm, comfortable bed. “I have classes in a bit but there’s coffee for you.” Once she leaves my room; closing the door behind her I pull the first pair of jeans I find and my Nirvana shirt. I can’t be bothered with my hair so I throw it into a ponytail and do light makeup. My headache is somewhat gone when I grab my phone, bag and sunglasses before going to the kitchen and serving a quick cup of coffee. I check the time to see I’m running late so I pour my coffee into a to go cup before rushing to the door and sliding on my vans and running out the door.

I walk for a few minutes until I make it to a tall building that has windows all over. I walk inside and tell the receptionist, “Appointment for Landon Monroe.” She nods and types a few things into her computer before turning to me, “Fourth floor, ask for Barbra.” I nod and give her a smile before walking to the elevator. Once one the fourth floor I ask for Barbra and I’m sent down the hall and knock on the wooden door.

“Come in!” A women chirps, I take a deep breath before turning the handle and walking into the big office. Sitting at the large desk is a beautiful, blonde women with bright blue eyes, “Take a seat…” She trails off waiting for my name.

“oh- Uh- Landon, Landon Monroe.” I smile as I sit down. She shuffles through the papers on her desk before picking one up and read it over, “Landon Monroe, 19 years old.” She looks to me for confirmation which I give her with a smile and nod. She returns the smile before speaking again, “Ah well you seem to have a history of writing am I right? School news, oh you were published?” A smile is set on my face as I reminisce the only good things to happen when I was in high school.

“Yes, I wrote short story for a contest and won then I also had a few poems published.” She gives me a slight nod before looking down at her paperwork and typing something into her computer.

“You have connections to Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer?” She asks as she stands and walks to a printer. I search my mind and know that name is familiar but not sure where from since my brain is still hazy from last night. I arch an eyebrow as she sets a picture in front of me; I look down and see me and a blonde at the club from last night… and we’re kissing!?

That’s the boy from the band that Halley is crazy about! I don’t remember that. But wait…

I look up to Barbra to see her smirking, “Landon, we would love to have you and for your first project, I’d like you to write an article on these boys. They’re the new up and coming band so we want the inside scoop.” She looks off to the side as if she’s imagining something, “5 Seconds of Summer: Sticking to their roots or letting fame get to their heads?”


I unlock the door to my apartment and slam the door shut out of pure frustration, how the hell am I going to pull off this article when I don’t even know Luke. Little by little I began to remember some things from last night but could not remember that kiss. “Landon!” I hear and jump when I noticed Halley is right in front of me. Fucking ninja.

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