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*Landon's POV*

"Landon get your lazy butt up or we're gonna be late!" My wonderful best friend screamed on the top of her lungs... In the same room as me... On the side of my bed.

"I hate you." I groan into my pillow.

Suddenly the cold air hits my skin when my warm comforter is being pulled off of me. The bed dip but I refuse to take my face out of my pillow.

Jump "I" jump "said" jump "get" jump "up"

I let out yet another loud groan finally rolling over and locking my arms around Halleys legs making her fall to the bed.

"Oh good you're awake." She smiles sweetly batting her ridiculously long eyelashes.

"Once again, I hate you." I say purposely breathing heavy so she gets a hit of my morning breath.

Dramatically she goes into a coughing fit falling off of the bed and playing dead. I shrug my shoulders about to lay down and attempt to fall back asleep but of course Halley gets up grabbing my arms and dragging me to the bathroom.

"Why" I whine.

"Because right now it is 12, I've been up since eight but anyways, you'll need an hour to shower, hour for hair, hour for makeup and I already picked out a fabulous outfit for you and the boys should be here by 5:30 because the event starts at six."

I stare at her for a moment and notice her makeup already somewhat done and a bright smile on her face. "Why?" I repeat. She laughs shaking her head before ordering me to take a shower and leaving me alone.

With a loud sigh for no one in particular to hear I start the shower and take my time washing up, once out I wash my face and brush my teeth then leave my room for coffee.

The coffee is hot and ready in the pot when I pour myself some adding all the creamer and sugar I regularly put. Entering my room again I hear my phone go off.

I check it and see its a text from Mikey, I open it and see a picture of Luke standing at his closet with the caption, 'He can't decide what to wear for you ;)'

I laugh closing the text and proceeding to drink my coffee and begin drying my hair.

"Halley! What do you pick out for me to wear? Because I can't do my hair if I don't know!" I call out. Suddenly she's at my door way with a smile,

"It's a surprise but just curl it like you did for graduation." Then leaves before I can reply.

After curling my stubborn hair I call Halley again, "How do I do my makeup!?"

"Normally just add eyeshadow, dark but now too dark and eyeliner!" I roll my eyes and begin. I smile at the end product in the mirror loving the way my brown eyes seem to pop more than usual and walk into Halleys room to see her almost done.

Her hair is clued but pulled back into a nice bun and her makeup is natural but light colors making her green eyes pop.

"You look really pretty." I compliment her. She smiles and squeals as she looks over me,

"You look so beautiful Landon! I don't know why you don't do your hair like this all the time!" She gushes.

"Effort." I shrug.

"Alright I'll go get our dresses."

"Dresses?" I whine. "Halleyyyyy"

"Landon you are not wearing your vans and faded skinny jeans to a premiere!" She demands. She emerges from her closet with two dresses, one is all white strapless with a high and low front and back and one is black with a sweetheart neckline and puffy towards the end. "Obviously the black is yours." She hands me the dress and I actually kind of love it.

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