Chapter 1

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Penn lay on the ground, her head detached from her body. Where her heart was, there was a gaping hole. It was unsightly, but Thea still couldn't help but look at her dead sister.

All her life, she'd been controlled by Penn. where she went, what she did, when she ate. Penn, her younger sister, had bossed her around. And now, she was gone. But that was fine by Thea.

"Is the curse broken?" Harper asked, looking dazed. Gemma turned to Thea, who shook her head ever so slightly.

"I—I guess so..." Gemma lied, looking confused. She continued to talk to Harper, while Thea walked out of the house. It felt refreshing, seeing Penn's corpse. No one would get hurt anymore. Not anyone of her sisters. Not Gemma, nor Harper, or Daniel. She went down the hill to collect Liv's body. Thankfully, that part of Capri didn't have much people, so there were little witnesses of the battle. But if there were, Thea or Gemma could simply sing and make them think that it was a dream.

Thea was deep in thought as she dragged Liv's body up the hill, towards the cliff.

"Thea?" Gemma called.

"Hm?" Thea asked. She returned to the house and rummaged through the drawers, then finally finding what she needed.

"What are you doing?" Gemma asked, eyeing the bottles. Thea brushes past her, back to Liv.

"Blood," She said, "siren's blood."

       "What do you need for?" Gemma asked, following Thea. She had her suspicions, but Gemma didn't want to think they were true.

"Blood of a siren," Thea repeated, "it is needed in the transformation of a siren." Gemma knew that already, but she questioned its purpose.

"We're creating a new siren." Thea said, looking up. The bottle was already filled with blood. Liv's siren blood. "Two new sirens, to be exact."

"What for?" Gemma asked, suddenly enraged, "Penn's dead, and the curse of lifted, is it not?"

"Who told you that?" Thea asked, just as confused now.

       "Diana — Demeter — Someone. Some lady from a flower shop." Gemma replied, telling Thea about what Diana at the flower shop had told her. That killing Penn would lift the curse.

"She lied to you," Thea said simply after Gemma explained. She wasn't shocked per se, since it was exactly like Demeter to do something like that. "So... what happens now?"

"We break the curse, or we replace Penn and Liv, or we die." Thea stood up, not answering her question. She capped the full bottle of blood. Gemma turned away from it to face the ocean. Her stomach growled, louder than ever, as full moon approached. Even a few days away, she could already feel it. She felt weak. Perhaps it was from the blood. Maybe the hunger. Or something else entirely, but either ways, if they didn't find a way to replace the sirens or break the curse soon, she'd die. So would Thea.

"Who were you thinking of turning?" Gemma asked, still facing the ocean. Thea kicked Liv's body into the ocean, and stepped up beside Gemma.

"I was thinking of swimming away, finding another city. Maybe the girls there might be nicer." Thea said. A strong wind blew, and their hairs blew back. It smelt of saltwater, and Gemma's body craved the way her legs tingled as they turned to fins.

"I could..." Gemma gulped, "I could follow you." She would have to leave her sister behind. Her boyfriend and her dad. But she was saving her life. Or perhaps.... perhaps she could enchant them so they would forget her. At least she could venture free, not needing to worry about worrying them.

Thea looked over to Gemma, emotionless. "You sister?" She asked, keeping her tone even. "She'll live..." Gemma replied softly. Thy both stood silently, standing on the cliff. It was a comfortable silence and both of them got lost in their thoughts.

"Gemma?" Gemma didn't want to turn back when she heard Harper, but she had to. Faking a smile, she turned, "Yes?"

"What are you doing out here?" Harper asked, sounding worried.

"Nothing..." Gemma shook her head. Thea, by then, had went back into the house to get Penn's body.

"We should get back, clean up our wounds." Harper told her, smiling gently. Gemma had already healed. Her skin was smooth and looked almost to be glowing. There was not a single scratch on her, and she certainly didn't look like she'd just fell from the sky. Even her hair was neat. The others, on the other hand, looked like they'd been through hell. Cuts and grazes on their arms, and their hair was messed up. There was a nasty cut on Harper's hand, and Daniel had a few bruises.

"You can go back first..." Gemma said, watching Thea. She crouched at Penn's side, collecting her blood. Though from her angle, it looked like she was moaning over her lost sister. "I'll stay here with Thea."

Harper frowned, "Is there anything wrong?" Her worrisome side surfaced.

       "I'm fine, Harper. More than you are, actually." She attempted a joke, though it fell flat. Harper glared at Gemma.

"Trust me, Harper, I'll go home soon." She said, "Besides, I can handle myself. Heck, I killed a huge scary bird monster."

At this, Harper's lips curved up slightly and she nodded. "Fine..."

Gemma waved her away. She watched them — Harper, Daniel, Alex, and Marcy — make their way down the hill. Thea exited the wrecked house, another bottle of blood in her hands.

"Let me get some stuff first." Gemma told her. "I need to sort out a few things..."

Thea nodded, "I'll still be here if you need me."

Gemma turned to the ocean and kicked off her bottoms, not caring about Thea watching anymore. Even this close to the ocean, the watersong gnawed at her. She needed to be in the ocean to stave off the hunger.

She went to the back of the house, then ran and jumped off the cliff. The moment her body hit the ocean water, her legs turned into a tail, and she swam off.

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