"I'm reminding you know that what he does is illegal and completely forbidden. Don't look for him. Don't make contact. Thank you. Assembly over."

We all looked at each other as kids started to leave the hall in their chair rows. Once we were outside and away from the main crowds we all looked at each other, clearly thinking the same thing.

Reaper came over with Geno and grinned. "Please tell me I'm not the only one that wants to go look for this elusive Drug Lord."

Geno rolled his eye and punched Reaper on the shoulder. "Did you listen to anything the Principle just said?!"

Reaper grinned. "I heard something along the lines of 'don't do this' so obviously, for the sake of my increasing curiosity, we should go look for him."

"That was my first thought as well when I heard him say 'Don't do this '" Dust said, letting out a little laugh whilst ruffling the top of Blues skull softly, making the smaller skeleton cling to him.

I glanced at Nightmare to see he was definitely thinking the same thing as everyone else was. He looked over at me and grinned. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at him.

"Tommorow's the weekend idiots. How are you gonna all meet up?" Geno said, obviously being sensible and trying to change their minds.

"Don't you mean us guys?" Reaper asked.

Geno snorted. "Ha! Hell no! I'm not going."

Reaper smirked. "Yes you are."

Geno huffed. "Fine. But if we get caught by the police, I'm throwing all of you under the bus and say that you dragged me there against my own will."

Reaper laughed and pulled Geno into a hug from which he immediately tried to escape. We all laughed as Geno groaned and went limp, letting Reaper hug him tightly.

"Geno does have a point though guys." Reaper said. "If we want to do this 'colour hunt' then tomorrow is the best idea. So we need somewhere to meet..."

"We could all meet at Nightmare's house." Dust said, glancing at Nightmare.

"Can I ask, why my house and not one someone else's?" Nightmare asked, a mildly pissed expression on his face.

Dust smiled innocently. "Because you have the biggest house and we all know where you live."

"Creeps." Nightmare muttered.

"Actually I don't know where Nightmare lives." Geno said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"That's fine I'll take you~" Reaper purred, making Geno blush faintly and growl.

"I didn't hear a no~"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Nightmare, he seemed to be thinking.

"Ugh, fine! We'll meet at my place tomorrow. Around eleven o'clock?"

"Sounds good to me..."

Dust laughed. "Man I'm excited for the weekend now. This is gonna be amazing!"

The other all laughed in agreement and we spent the rest of the day planning for this...'Colour Hunt' as Reaper has christened it.

---Time Skip----------------------------------

Killer had come back with us to Nightmare's house and was currently upstairs with Dream, the two of them watching anime.

Reason why?

On the way home Dream had been going on about some new anime he'd found called assassination classroom (my all time favourite anime!!!!)

Nightmare then had told Dream anime was stupid and they'd had an argument, resulting in asking them asking me and Killer to choose a side.

Anime sucks - Nightmare


Anime is amazing - Dream

Obviously I chose Nightmare's side, and not just because I like him! I have seen a bit of anime before, but I wasn't extremely impressed with it.

Killer then took Dream's side, probably because he wanted to make Dream feel better, and now Killers been dragged off into Dream's room for a marathon of anime.

I sighed and leaned again Nightmare, half heartedly trying to catch hold of one of his tentacles again. He glanced at me and simply twitched them out of the way, making me whine.

He chuckled and continued to keep them out of reach, not planning on letting me grab one any time soon.

I smirked, having an idea. Instead of reaching for the ends of one I grabbed one at the base, round his back. Nightmare tensed and the tentacle I was holding went limp.

I then ran my hands down it till I got to the end. Nightmare shivered horribly and shook his head rapidly as I finally had the end of the tentacle in my hands.

"Well that's a method I'll have to keep in mind." I purred, looking at his pissed and flustered face with a smirk.

"Let go of it." Nightmare hissed, attempting to jerk the slimy tentacle away from me.


Nightmare huffed and then smirked as his other tentacles slithered over to me.


He grinned as they started tickling me mercilessly. I laughed and attempted to escape as I let out helpless giggles and laughs. "No! Please! Okay okay I'll let go!"

I was laughing so hard that my vision was going blurry. I let go of the tentacle I had been holding previously and Nightmare grinned, retreating his tentacles and releasing me.

I lay there, still giggling silently as I looked up at the ceiling.

I glanced to the side as Killer and Dream walked down.

"How was your animewhatsit marathon?" Nightmare asked boardly.

Killer laughed. "Don't kill me, but it actually wasn't that bad..."

Nightmare groaned and buried his face in a cushion. "Another unsuspecting monster has been dragged to the dark side..."

Everyone else laughed.

"Hey Nightmare..." Killer started. "In this anime there's a dude with tentacles..."

Nightmare looked up from the pillow and glanced at Dream. "Really...?"

Dream giggled and nodded.

Nightmare hummed and face planted again. "I guess some animes understand what's cool then...."

Dream laughed. "Yes they do Brother. Yes they do."

Lol I wasn't planning on this chapter being this long :3
my friend wanted this to happen because of the 6 Years Later chapter in my last book XD
and yes Assassination Classroom is my all time favourite anime EVER!!!!!


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