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Jessica waited in the waiting room for Ruth's surgery to be over. The surgery was about three hours long. She flipped through magazines to pass the time and at times she thought about her life.

Jessica had mourned her husband a year ago and welcomed her partner Ruth. Jessica loved Ruth not because of gender but because of the person Ruth was. In the end, Jessica realized that Ruth had always been the person she was today.

People in their town were torn; some accepted Ruth fully and some still gave her and her family a hard time. But it was nothing they couldn't handle.

Jessica began to get hungry so she bought some chips and a drink from the vending machines that were in the waiting room. She also called her parents to check on Patty Ann who was staying with them until they got home. Which would be in two weeks; Ruth had to stay close by her doctor to make sure everything went well during recovery. They would be staying in a hotel until Ruth was medically released.

Jessica finished her chips and continued to wait.

Some time later, Jessica grew worried. The surgery was taking a little longer than she was told. But before she could get up to ask what was going on, Ruth's doctor came out to talk to Jessica. Jessica stood up from her seat and met him halfway.

"Mrs. Applewood." Dr. Carson said. "Ruth did really well. The surgery took a little longer than expected but everything went well. We are moving her to recovery then I'll come back out so you can see her."
Jessica sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank you Dr. Carson. Thank you."

Once Dr. Carson left, Jessica sat back down and cried tears of relief that Ruth was okay.

Dr. Carson came back twenty minutes later and led Jessica to see Ruth. Jessica walked into the room and saw Ruth in the hospital bed.

She walked closer and gently took Ruth's hand into hers. Ruth squeezed Jessica's hand and opened her eyes.

"Hey honey." Ruth said groggily.
Jessica smiled softly and said. "Hi."

Ruth fell back to sleep and Jessica sat down on the chair that was by the hospital bed.

Jessica sat by Ruth's side for hours, only leaving to use the bathroom and to get a quick bite to eat.

After three days in the hospital, Ruth was finally released and she and Jessica checked into their hotel that would be their home for the next two weeks.

They took it easy of course since Ruth couldn't do much of anything. If anything, they turned this experience into a sort of a second honeymoon.

They couldn't experience intimacy of course but they reconnected by talking and just being in each other's company.

The two weeks finally were up and Ruth saw her doctor. Ruth was healing well and Dr. Carson released her to head home with strict instructions on aftercare which Ruth would have to do throughout the rest of her life.

"I'll see you back here in four weeks for a your six week follow up." Dr. Carson said before saying goodbye to the couple.

Jessica drove them home; they picked Patty Ann up from Jessica's parents and they made their way home.

Jessica's parents Dorothy and Albert Lange, didn't understand why their daughter would stay with Roy after such a secret had come out. They still saw Ruth as Roy; they were very old school and just found it to be strange and completely wrong that Ruth is now a women.

They didn't understand that Ruth has always been a women, she was just born in the wrong body.

But their love for their daughter made them hold their tongues most of the time and just tried to support their daughter in her choice to stay with her husband.

The weeks passed and life at the Applewood house were marching on as normally as before. The only difference was that Ruth was now complete.

Patty Ann still called Ruth Dad and Ruth didn't mind too much. After all, Patty Ann had grown up knowing Ruth as her father. Patty Ann does however use the correct pronouns and for Ruth she was okay with it.

It was the night before Ruth's six week check up and Jessica was in bed not feeling well.

For the past few days, Jessica had been feeling tired all time, her appetite had decreased as any mention or smell of food made her nauseous. She had even thrown up any food she tried to eat.

Ruth was concerned for Jessica and told her that as soon as they got back from her check up, she would take Jessica to see her doctor.

Jessica agreed and made the appointment for the next day since they would be driving back home soon after Ruth's appointment.

Jessica didn't know what was wrong with her. She thought of so many different negative scenarios of what could be wrong.

It didn't occur to Jessica that life was about to throw yet another surprising curve ball towards her and Ruth.


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