Chapter 3

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Uta nodded slowly as she listened to Sakura. Sakura had answered some of Uta's questions. Two years had passed. Tsunade was Hokage. Jiriya had been killed by a man called Pein. Pein had destroyed Konoha just earlier that day. Naruto defeated the man that had been controlling Pein. And that man had revived all of the villagers that had been killed in the attack. Uta felt numb with shock, the memory of all the lights floating by, then changing their direction and going back.

Uta began to push herself off of her cot. She needed to see it with her own eyes. Konoha couldn't have been destroyed...

Sakura rushed forward and forced Uta back onto her cot, "Sensei, your body hasn't moved in years. You can't just get up and move right away. Your muscles are atrophied! You'll just collapse and possibly hurt yourself!" Uta surrendered and sat back down. She jutted her lip in a pout. She hadn't realised how much she had been wanting to get up and walk around until she was told she couldn't. She wanted to walk around a bit. See what had happened to Konoha. Maybe run into some people she knew...maybe Kakashi....


Uta's cheeks heated up and she fidgeted. "Hey Sakura...I know you have certain duties as a medical ninja...but I want to see Kakashi. Can you bring him here?" Sakura tensed then looked away, "Well...the thing is..." Sakura trailed off, clearly knowing that what she had to say would upset Uta. Uta's heart fell. When she had heard how much time had passed, she had hoped that Kakashi had waited for her. But He must've found a new love, and Sakura was clearly trying to find a way to let her down gently.

"The thing is...during the attack he faced off against Pein. He intervened in order to let Choji escape and get some important information to Lady Tsunade. He ended up using all of his chakra to do so...and he died."

Uta was already out of the tent before Sakura could say her next words. Sakura jumped up to try to chase after Uta, "No! Sensei! He's alive! He was revived! But he's just in another tent getting injuries treated and trying to regain his strength!" Her words fell on deaf ears as Uta ran in a blind panic. In her panic she hadn't even realized that she had been screaming Kakashi's name in desperation. Her beloved couldn't have died! But then again, Usa had said that the bond that was tying her to the land of the living had been severed. The must've been Kakashi dying.

Tear streamed down Uta's face as her weak muscles began to falter and she slowed to a staggering walk. She finally stopped in an intersection between rows of tents. She was sobbing, but drew in a large breath. She turned her face to the sky and cried out in anguish, "Kakashiiiii..."

She stood there sobbing for a few moments, the people around her frozen with surprise. The only movement was a tent flap lifting on a tent a short distance from her. Uta ignored the movement. She had returned to the land of the living for Kakashi! And now she finds out that he isn't even here?!

"...Uta?" Uta jumped at the hesitant voice. If she had to guess what angels sounded like, they would have that voice. She turned her gaze and she saw him. Standing just a few yards away. A little roughed up, but alive as could be. "Kakashi!" She tried to run to him, but her weak muscles finally gave up and her legs gave out from under her. She didn't hit the ground though. She instead found herself pressed against a firm chest. Kakashi's familiar scent enveloped her and she clung to his chest, hot tears soaking into his vest, "I thought you died! Sakura told me you died!" Kakashi seemed frozen, "Uta...? You're awake...?"

Kakashi sounded dazed.

His grip tightened, "You're awake."

Kakashi slowly sunk to the ground, crushing Uta to his chest as his body began to shake, "You're awake!" He pressed his face in Uta's shoulder and Uta could feel his tears begin to soak into her hospital gown.

Kakashi's voice came out in a choked whisper, "I'm so happy Uta!"

~~~Le Time Skip~~~

(Cue many changes to Naruto story line!)

Tsunade clicked her tongue at the sight in front of her.

When Sakura had burst into her tent, despite Tsunade having given strict instructions to not be disturbed while she regained her strength, shouting that Uta was awake, Tsunade had not expected this. "Kakashi...I need to examine her. You need to let her go so that I can do so." Kakashi tightened his arms and legs around Uta, fortifying the human cage he had created around her.

Kakashi had returned Uta to her tent and had gotten her back into bed, but that had been the end of his helpfulness. He had promptly wrapped Uta in her blanket, curled her into as small of a ball as possible without hurting her, settled her between his legs, and had wrapped himself around her in a tight embrace, making examination completely impossible.

Tsunade could barely see Uta's head inside the cocoon Kakashi had made. Tsunade planted her hands on her hips and glared at Kakashi, "Kakashi, stop this childishness! Let me examine her this instant!" Kakashi shot a glare back and nuzzled his face closer to Uta's, "NO! She's mine! I need my Uta snuggles!" Tsunade heard a muffled voice from within the cocoon and Kakashi's childishly stubborn expression turned into a pout. Kakashi began slowly unwrapping his arms and legs from their protective hold and Uta shifted so that the blanket opened. She looked up at Tsunade with a sheepish grin. "Hi sensei..."

Tsunade reached out and flicked Uta's forehead lightly, "Don't you 'Hi sensei' me! Do you have any idea how much trouble you have caused me?" Uta gently rubbed where Tsunade had flicked, "It's not like me causing you trouble is new..." Tsunade couldn't help the fond chuckle that left her. Uta had always been a handful, even when she was a genin. "New or not, you owe me an apology. Now sit up properly so I can examine you and then get back to sleep."

Uta did as she was told. Tsunade checked her vitals, her mental ability and her strength. She scolded Uta for taking her breathing tube out herself, and for running around in such a weakened state. But after a few more tests and some recommendations for rest, Tsunade left and Kakashi didn't hesitate to wrap Uta up in his arms again.

Uta had halfway expected Kakashi to get handsy with her, or at the very least kiss her until her lips hurt, but he didn't. He ended up planting one sweet kiss on her lips, laying both of them down and holding her close until she fell asleep.

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