McCree - The Diner

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Hey kids I figured why not start off with some angst

I tap my foot anxiously, eyes wandering around the small diner. It's practically empty, a few patrons sit around sipping coffee. Still no sign of Jesse.

Every year we would meet here, the same day, the same time. We'd catch up, talk about our lives. With his new job he's barely around, but he always shows up. I sigh, glancing down at my watch.

Maybe he's just running late. God knows that cowboy takes his time getting ready. "Couldn't find my hat," "I didn't know it was noon already," "I found this little lizard hangin' around on my way here." There's no doubt the man is high maintainence.

Jesse and I have been best friends since we were teenagers. We used to come here and get milkshakes and sit around for hours. Everything we did, we did together.

I smile, remembering the first time I met him. I was fifteen, searching for some place to hide from my drunken father. I snuck behind an abandoned building, and watched as Jesse shot at rats with a BB gun. 'Stop!' I shouted, my eyes landing on one of the dead rats, tears filling my eyes. He didn't understand why I was so concerned about 'A couple of damn, dirty rats.' But a conversation sprang up. He asked me who I was, and why I was sneaking around. He listened intently when I explained. Since then we were inseperable.

A few days after we met, he had brought me a rat, a live one that he cought with a box. It was his way of apologizing. Together we made a cage for the it and took care of the sweet little thing. He named it Honey. I always thought that was adorable.

There's no denying that I developed a fondness for him over all those years. We dated briefly, before he joined the Overwatch team. We broke up a few days before he left, I didn't want to drag him down with a long distance relationship. I had hoped that ending it would erase all the feelings I had for him. I was wrong.

"Would you like some more coffee, miss?" A waitress asks.

"No, thank you" I shake my head. Jesse was right. The coffee here does taste like boiled dirt.

My nails tap on the table. Most of the people have cleared out. The sun's already down.

I know his job is dangerous. But Jesse is strong. He can handle himself in any situation.

There's no way that the last time we met here would be the last time I saw him. He's Jesse fucking McCree. He's just running late. He'll show up, he always does.

My eyes land on the clock on the wall. 10pm. He's ten hours late. The diner doesn't close until 11. I can wait another hour.

He probably got distracted. Maybe his hat blew off in the wind and he had to chase it halfway around town. Maybe he fell asleep while he was getting ready.

I flip through the newspaper, my eyes widening at one of the headlines. "Member of Infamous 'Overwatch' Team Found Dead" The breath is knocked from my lungs as I frantically read through through the column. My eyes cloud with tears. I rip out the small black and white photo of him and set it across the table from me.

"Hey Jesse," I whisper "I knew you'd show up"

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