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(A/N Creative title is creative --- I'm sorry but this is an important short chapter, just something to tide y'all over while I work through a writer's block.
Enjoy, and take notes my pretties. ; ) You'll want to remember this chapter whenever you theorize about what may happen in the story~)

John and Alex sat on an outdoor table at a cafe off campus, with Philip sitting on the ground with his water bowl next to John. It was a touch hot out today, and John didn't want Pip getting dehydrated.

The two gay lovebirds were just laughing and chatting, talking about American history like nerds -- But they were enjoying it so it was all good.

But across the street, at the cafe on the corner from where John and Alex were, sat a man. He had a fedora and a light, pale brown trench coat on, and he was watching the two very carefully.

The shadow from his fedora hid his face, but an evil grin could be made out by anyone bothering to look for long enough.

"Yes, my sweet boy.. Have fun with little Laurens.. You won't have much longer, my dear.." He muttered to himself before getting up and leaving.

Now to find a good enough truck to do some decent damage..

Oh, this would be so much fun~

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