"I bet you can't get with him anyway." She challenged. "Cree, stop." Lizzy nudged her. "I can get any guy I want, bitch." I snarked. "Okay, I propose a bet." She said. "No, no, no. Brea, don't accept. Her bets are the worst." Lizzy said horrified.

"Would you guys shut up. I'm tryna eat here." Jade complained and we ignored her. "What's the bet?" I asked. "I give you 3 months to hook up with Lance and make him still want you when you're done." She said.

( A/N: please note this story is inspired by my favorite Girl Meets world story on FanFiction.Net called 'The Art of Seduction'. So I give credit to the writer of that story. No, I am not completely copying the story. I am only using some of it to inspire this story. Bye, go read it because it's AWESOME. Ps: It's a Lucaya story. Sorry to Rucas shippers. Riley and Farkle are barely in the story. )

"What the fuck kind of bet is that!?" I protested. "I warned you, Brea." Lizzy sighed. "And if you fail, you have to stand in front of the whole school and yell out that you fucked the janitor." She said. "Your evil. Fine, I take the bet but what do I get if I succeed?" I asked and she smirked. "Umm... I didn't really think of that.... how about I buy you a car?" She offered.

I shrugged, " Well, I'm rich... but free is free." I smiled and we shook hands to seal the bet. "I already have 3 cars so I'll probably just sell it on eBay," I said and Lizzy gave me a look. "You can't sell cars on eBay! Can you?" She questioned herself. "Let the woman do what she wants." Cree laughed and we got up to throw our lunch in the trash.

Until we bumped into biggest jerks and fuckboys in the school. "Woah watch it, bitch," Ricardo yelled in Jade's face. I didn't even notice that she came back. And why is he yelling at her? Did they break up? "Move the hell out of the way, little thot." Thomas Kuc said to Cree and she shot him a dirty look.

"Move asshole," Lizzy said to Mace and he shoved her. "Don't touch me." She pushed him back until he fell on his slut, Addison. ( A/N: Please note that I have nothing against Addison. She is my favorite actor from the Thundermans. I just wanted more nick actors in this story 😃)

I was just standing there looking down as a tall muscular figure hovered over me. "Are ya gonna move? Or not?" He asked. Okay, I'm not the pushover type who lets people push her around but I'm feeling highly intimidated right now.

I look up at him and see his glare. As soon as his eyes met mine, his lips turned up into a small smile. I didn't want to look away. I was lost and I don't want to be found. Then a girl pulled him away, "Uh, you have a girlfriend, Lance." She said and I finally realized who it was.

It was Lance Dae Lim. The guy Jade is trying to get me with and his new bitch, Kayla. Seriously, he was a new girlfriend every day. Well, that's not so different from me now, is it?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I was pulled away, "Brea, what the hell? I thought you hated him!" Cree said in shock. "I-I do," I reassured her. "People who hate each other don't stare into each other's eyes for 5 minutes," Jade smirked. Wait it was five 5 minutes? Mental facepalm. "More like 30 seconds Jade. Exaggerate much?" Cree laughed and I sighed a breath of relief.

"So what's going on with you and Rico," Lizzy asked and Jade rolled her eyes. "Ugh, he told me I was all another game." She said in disgust. "You should have seen it coming. Every girl he dates is a game." I pointed out. "Yeah, well he said that I wanted to wait to fuck and all he ever wanted to do was fuck so he couldn't wait anymore." Tears well up in her eyes. "I thought we had something special!" She cried on Lizzy's shoulder.

"Gurl... this is a new shirt." Lizzy pushed her head off and Jade glared at her. "Yeah... what are friends for?" Jade wiped her tears. "Aww... I'm just kidding girl! Let it out, come here." Lizzy pulled her back on her shoulder and Jade began to cry again.

"So Brea, three months." Cree reminded me. "I can handle it," I said in determination. She smirked and grabbed her bag. "Where are you going?" I furrowed my nicely done brows in confusion. "T-the library." She said nervously. "The library? Now I know you're lying, you don't even know where it is. Who are you meeting?" I pestered her.

"Nobody! Okay, I didn't want to tell you guys this but I'm not very smart. I have a tutoring session to get to." She said and that made me believe her. "Your getting tutored? Okay, that's pretty believable." I shrugged and she walked away. Not in the correct direction of the library though. I glanced over at Lizzy who still had Jade crying on her shoulder.

I sighed and got up to just take a walk around campus.


After getting out of the interrogation with Brea I headed to the library. I walked for about 5 minutes taking turns that I didn't even know where headed to until I saw a guy with glasses coming out of the Tech Club room. "Hey, can you direct me to the library?" I asked and he stared at me in shock. "No girl has ever spoken to me before. Hi I'm Aiden Mi-" he introduced himself but I pushed his hand away. "I don't need your life story. I have to be at the library in 5 minutes. Make it snappy. Directions please." I said impatiently tapping my foot on the ground.

"Right, uhh follow me." He said and I began to follow him to the library. When we got there I went inside and saw the person I've been waiting to see. I jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek. "I've been waiting for you!" He said.

"I got lost! Had to have this nerd show me to the library." I explained. "Oh.. wait.. you have gone to this school since freshman year and you still don't know where the library is?" He asked and I shrugged. "Wow. Anyway, babe, I'm sorry I called you a thot today at lunch." He apologized and I looked at him confused.

"What's a thot? Ooh is it like those little clouds above your head with words? Thought bubbles?!" I asked and he looked at me weirdly. "Man, you're stupid." He said under his breath. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing!" He tried to cover it up but I heard it! "A thot is an acronym for "that hoe over there" get it?" He explained. "Ooh. What's an acronym?" I asked and he facepalmed.

"I don't have time to answer shit like this. Let's just make out." He said and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "Mmmm." I moaned until the kiss until it was rudely interrupted by Janice the Librarian. "Ehem." She cleared her throat. "Janice. We're in the middle of something." He said and she put a hand on her hip. "Thomas and Cree. You come in here every day during lunch to kiss and knock down books. Well, look at the mess you made today." She gestured to the pile of books on the floor.

I guess we knocked them off the table and the shelves while we were kissing. "We didn't do that." I defended us. "Just pick it up or I'll give you detention." She said and we got on our knees and began gathering the books as she walked back to her desk. "Bitch." I mumbled and  she called back, "I heard that." She said. "Good! Like I care anyway." I said and rolled my eyes.

My friends can't know that I'm secretly dating Thomas Kuc. The guy who they think I hate. I mean I dated him and we had a fake dramatic break up so that we don't ruin our reputations. I still play other guys and he plays girls. But one thing we will never do is play each other. Perfect love. Am I right?

(A/N: Hey guys so this is kinda a long chapter but I gotta give you something. So anyway, I made a new friend on here and her name is Sarah_KaliforniaRose. She is like the best. So go read her story The Love Song Project because it is legit. Anyway, thanks for reading and see you next time!)

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