Chapter 16- In the Game

Start from the beginning

Of course I don't find anything so I'm stuck eating pine beside Katniss as we walk. Another hour passes with us still looking for water. I know it'll take a while for us to find it. Hopefully a few things have changed.

Finally we decide to stop for the night. Katniss and I set up two snares to see if we can catch some food. We walk a few more minutes just to be safe then start to make camp. We climb up a strong willow. I sit a branch above Katniss as I try to get in my sleeping bag. I put my bag in it, then slip in as Katniss teaches me how to tie myself to the tree. I do exactly as she says because sometimes I roll around at night. I give Katniss and I one more sip of water before we get settled in our sleeping bags. 

It's starts to get cold as night falls when I hear the anthem. We see the Capitol seal floating in the sky and the sky goes dark for a second. I watch as the face and name of the dead tributes appear above me. I count them off. I feel sorry when I see the little District Four boy didn't make it. The twins made it. That girl, Zaavia, made it. Of course all of the Careers made it. I sigh in relief when I see Peeta and Jay made it. I smile to myself in the darkness as I rub my locket and it heats up. I open it to see Jay and I. I don't know what he's doing but I know he's still my best friend, proven by these pictures.

"Do you really love him?" I hear Katniss ask below me. I know we are probably being watched but I don't lie when I say yes. I love Jay as my best friend and nothing will change that.

The last thing I feel before I fall asleep is the locket right over my heart, warming it.


Newspapers. I see newspapers again. But this time they say, "Blye Ivory and Jay Keene Ghosts". What the...? I see Lily again looking at the newspaper crying, I see when I appeared to her how I looked. Like a ghost. Great. They think we're dead. Then my parents in an interview with the same story.

I'm about to call out to them again when something makes me jump. A branch breaks somewhere close.  I look under me to Katniss where I can feel her eyes on me. We both heard it. We both turn in the direction of the noise to see only blackness. Is this when... Then I see a spark and a small fire appears. Poor girl. How could she not know any better?

And of course I forgot so we're close to her. And we're strapped in so we can't get out before the Careers come. It would be too much trouble and they could see us.

As dawn approaches, I can see Katniss's face. I shake my head at her, knowing what she's thinking. 

"Just wait." I sigh.

A second after I said it, I hear running. I cover my ears as I can hear her pleading and then the scream that I could have never blocked out. I know she's not dead yet, but suffering. That poor stupid girl.

But what really makes me sick is laughter and congratulating that follows. 

"Twenty-five down and twenty-three to go!" someone shouts. You can tell they're Careers because of the loud shouts and hoots because they're not afraid to be heard.

I hear them heading towards us. I get a little lower in my sleeping bag. I can name them as they walk by Marvel, Glimmer, Cato, Atlas, Vibia, and Clove.

"Shouldn't we have heard a cannon by now?" one says.

"I'd say yes. Nothing to prevent them from going I immediately."

"Unless she isn't dead."

"She's dead. I stuck her myself." 

"So where's the cannon?"

"Someone should go back. Make sure the job's done."

"Yeah, we don't want to have to track her down twice."

Real or Not Real?- A Hunger Games FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now