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12:51 and I thought my feelings were gone
But I'm lying on my bed thinking of you again
And the moon shines so bright but I gotta dry these tears tonight
Cause you're moving on and I'm not that strong to hold on any longer

~Krissy & Ericka, 12:51

To say Martha is frustrated would be an understatement.


Why now?

Why do you have to come when I finally moved on?

Why do you have to come and ruin this for me.

Why does the world have to be like this?

What did I ever did wrong.

I just loved him. Is that so cruel?

Her mind is filled with many questions of why.

She got so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice that she's crying.

And she hated herself for that.

She hated herself for being weak.

She hated herself for crying at the same reason again and again.

And that reason is him.

And that reason is him

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The Unnoticed | Completed ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن