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You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

~Bruno Mars, Count On Me

Have you ever had that feeling when you feel like you wanted to die?

You know, like let go of the rope you were holding for so long and just end it. Just like that.

But when you end it, you will loose everything you have.

And you can never go back.

That's one of the worst things about life, you only get one chance so you shouldn't waste it.

But there are also times when we just wanted to give up, let go and just end our story like that. Because we are tired of fighting.

The ones inside us that we thought were a fighter is actually weak.

Weak and tired.

Weak and tired of the same old routine.

Weak and tired of life.

Just like Martha.

Coming home from the tiring school, she opened the door of the place she calls home.

She was tired. Like usual.

She saw her mom in the living room hooking up with another guy. Like usual.

She went to her room, took of all her clothes except for her undergarments and throw herself to bed, cuddling with blankets and pillows, not even bothering to eat dinner. Like usual.

She cried herself to sleep. Like usual.

 Like usual

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