This Ain't No Fairytale

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These are only scenes for a part of something but it goes along the line of this:

Brooke has a lot on her plate. Although she may not be the prettiest, the hottest and definitely not the most popular girl in school. With the friends she once had at the start of highschool she still gets her fair share of drama. It's too bad she doesn't want it,I mean, who wants perverted, egotistical,hormonal boys all over you practically 24/7?

‘Move it,’ a familiar voice growls at me, shoving me out of the way.

I almost face plant from the force but my friend catches me and glares at him while I straighten up, ‘fuck you,’ I snarl.

He stops and turns, eye brows raised as he looked at me, his friends smirking beside him. ‘Did the princess just swear?’ he asks sarcastically, an amused smile on his face as he moved toward me.

I clenched my jaw and glared at him, ignoring my beating heart as he inched closer – and not in a good way either.

‘Well?’ he persists when I didn’t answer.

‘Get lost Jacob,’ Julia, my best friend, says beside me. His eyes turn to her with a glare which no doubt shut her up and as he came to her face. He opens his mouth about to say something but someone yanks him back slightly and we all look at the other person.

‘C’mon you dickhead, I’m hungry,’ his friend, Brandon, says slinging an arm around Jacob’s shoulders and pulling him toward him. And without another word or so much as a look the six boys were out of our sight before we knew it.

‘Jerks,’ Julia growls.

‘Imbeciles,’ I mutter before pulling Julia away and heading to our lockers as planned.


Have you ever, you know – done stuff?

I knew what he was talking about. Sexual things. With a guy.

I so badly wanted to tell him the truth; that I’ve never done anything, haven’t even kissed a boy yet. But I didn’t want him to know I was just some innocent pristine little girl. But then that was the thing. If I said no, I'm a little princess – exactly what he mocks me to be – meaning that he was right; that he wins. But if I say yes: then I'm a slut – that he has something over me.

Say no Brooke. Just say no. who gives a shit what this guy thinks?

And yet, against my better judgement; I typed yes and sent it before I had the chance to think twice.

And I regretted it.

Did you seriously? Came his quick reply.

I bit my lip.

No I was joking dumbass. I reply hoping he’d believe me.

Aw come on, just tell me the truth. its natural. people do it. and you will too eventually.

My heart raced at the thought, he was right, but why the hell should I tell him my personal business? Why am I even talking to him?

Fine, yeah, whatever.

Really? :0. Came his reply.

My stomach tightens. What the hell have I gotten myself into? Either way, I find myself replying back to him: is it that hard to believe?

Yes! I mean, come on, its you!

Ghee thanks.

No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way :p

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