How to Smash and Dash

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Smashing and dashing, that was my policy.

And as Superman would say: Have no fear, Ashley is here!

Now, before you wonder; no, this isn’t some sappy, romance story. I wasn’t a girl whose heart got broken and trodden on, left for the dust. Nor am I some A-Grade bitch or the girl who got her popularity by pleasuring any guy in the 100 km radius. Nope. I just do what I do for fun. A guy needs help? I help them. It’s just that simple.

And me? I get money.

Wow that sounds bad.

However, yes, I guess you could say this is my job; no, I don’t – haven’t or will any time soon – have sex with my… colleagues I guess you could call them. I’m no prostitute.

But whatever, this isn’t meant to be about me – not exactly. The reason why I’m here today, bothering to tell you this long forgotten story, is to tell you about Storm: The boy who I once found sulking on the side-walk in a park near my house. 


“Bradley! Stop going so fast!” I squealed only to have him fasten his pace.

“Bradley!” I tried again yanking on his leash a little harder, “quit it you stupid dog!” I growled losing my breath already even though we’d only been running for less than twenty seconds.

I swear my dog hates me for some unknown reason. The little poop gets everything thanks to me!

“Heal Bradley! Heal!” I squeaked as we turned a corner and headed for the park. “FINE I’LL BUY YOU ICE-CREAM YOU LITTLE SHIT.”

And just like that he stopped, turned a little and gave me his stupid little doggy grin.

I glared at him and proceeded walking toward the park in an orderly fashion. “I lied,” I muttered only to have him growl at me.

It’s a dog. Dogs don’t talk human. Why does he do this to me?!

“Freak,” I muttered with a smile before leaning down and scratching Bradley behind the ears. Wagging his tail the closer we got to the park I rolled my eyes, brought us to a stop, and finally took his leash off. “Now, when I call you I want you to-” he bolted away before I even finished, “…come back…” I frowned watching the stupid Labrador run off toward where all the other dogs were prancing about.

Sighing and walking toward the secluded bench I usually went to I was surprised to find another figure already sitting there. A guy. No more than 21.

He looked sad.

“Hey there,” I said not wanting to feel like a creep as I stood there, a few meters away, staring at the guy with his head in his hands and his posture stiff.

He lifted his head and squinted at me considering the sun was behind me, I stepped toward him and noticed that he was a little younger than I had originally thought; his dark baggy clothing and broad body making him look older than I thought he’d be.

He had dark circles under his reddened eyes. It was kind of depressing to look at actually, and I had a feeling I knew why he was in this saddened mood as of this moment.

“The hell are you?” he asks, voice gruff as if not liking that I caught him at a bad state.

I brush away his coldness and sat next to him, on the complete other side with much space between us as I looked out at the giant green field. Bradley running around with other dogs and wreaking havoc as per usual. “I’m Ashley Griffiths, who are you?” I ask, a tease to my voice as I glance at him to find him staring at me, looking at me as if he knew me.

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