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Werewolf story.

About a rogue who lives by herself and gets kidnapped by an Alpha who's supposedly running away from people and using her as a shield. Lovely. But who exactly is he running from?

~ i have no idea, any ideas? :p

'Hello what would you like today?' the guy at the counter asks, clearly checking me out. My wolf growls unapprovingly even though he was hot. Picky, picky this one.

Despite it, I smile, 'Can I please have a hot chocolate and pancakes?' I ask politely, a little, just a tad bit, flirtatiously.

He smirks and taps in my order before sending me a good-hearted wink. 'Right away,' he replies causing me to chuckle at his politeness.

I move toward a back seat and start to get comfortable, that was until I noticed another shifter had walked in. A strong one. I growl quietly and kept my eyes on the guy who immediately found my eyes, shifter seeking shifter for threat.

He was one.

I was expecting the usual disgusted snarl that was thrown my way by those in packs but instead he gives me a plain, cold look, eyes void of any emotion. I blink. Is he a rogue as well?

I sniff the air unconsciously and knew, that even if he was a rogue, it wouldn't have been for long. Meaning a) he was in danger or is the danger or b) he simply wanted out.

A girl around my age comes and gives me my coffee, baring her teeth and making me aware that she was a part of the Midnight Pack. Typical. I give her low growl of my own, thankful no one was around, and from the ferocity and edge to my tone she whimpered and backed away immediately.

I roll my eyes, scoff down my pancakes and when I finally finished eating and looked up I noticed a few other shifters in the cafe. This would be my cue to leave.

Instead, I pretend not to notice the hormonal, cocky ass guys who had walked in, knowing them merely from my high school, and standing my ground as I tapped away on my phone.

Hands slam down at my table, obviously meaning for me to look up, but I ignore them as I sipped and texted away.

'Can I help you boys to something?' I ask, voice laced with politeness and sweetness.

The one I knew as Carl growls, 'get out of our cafe,' he says, voice deep, his breath blowing across my face slightly from his closeness and causing me to look up.

I glare at him and his three other mates, also noticing there wasn't much humans left in here and those who were, were oblivious to what's happening.

'You don't own. This. Cafe. So quite frankly I do believe I'm liable to sit here perfectly comfortable,' I snarl as I put down the mug and shoved my phone in my pocket as I cocked up a brow.

He growls threateningly, something my wolf didn't respond to and causing me to stand up and come inches away from my face, eyes daring. 'Don't. Even. Dare. Try to threaten me,' I snarled as I held his gaze unblinkingly.

We stood like that for what felt like eternity and I could feel my wolf wanting to come out. That was until the cafe guy who served me was beside us, a hand on Carl as if to calm him down. Bad move.

The second he touched him, Carl went into attack mode and threw a swift punch in the guy’s direction, this probably would have just made a shifter step back but for a human... well let’s just say it wasn't pretty nor nice.

Everyone's eyes widen as the guy gets thrown back at least three metres and landing on the floor, eyes wide with hurt and shock.

'Shit,' one of the guys mutter. I turned to them and smirked before turning on my heel and leaving them to deal with this mess. It's not my fault!

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