11: Hypocrite is my new Favorite Word

Start from the beginning

I rolled my bottom lip in my mouth at the awkward silence that passed during the two boys' stare down.

Still sending a death stare at Jacob, Aiden grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together then pulled me roughly behind him, maybe heading to his locker that was just at the end of the hall.

I looked over my shoulder and sent a weak smile over at Jacob as he stood where me and Aiden left him a few seconds ago, staring at our retreating figures. His eyes flashed to something above me then smiled back, but anybody could tell it was a forced one, and started walking in the opposite direction.

Almost stumbling over from not paying attention to my footing, I faced forward again to see Aiden looking over his shoulder like I was seconds ago. He looked down at me with a frown on his face.

The hallways were clearing and all I thought was, 'I better not be late for first period.'

A couple more steps we were at his locker, and that's where he exploded.

"What the hell!?" He didn't gain too many stares because there was less and less people, but some one passing by had raised her eyebrows, asking with her eyes if I was okay. I smiled to show her I was fine because even though Aiden looked beyond aggravated I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me intentionally.

"When did you start hanging around him again?" he spat, not bothering to even say Jacob's name.

I crossed my arms and sighed. "I have to tutor him and we started talking again," I said simply.

Aiden ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "You didn't have to you know, you could have said no!" he yelled as the warning bell rang. Dammit, I only have five minutes and I'm not going to make it on time if the class is on the other side of school.

"Yes, Aiden, I did. I could get recommendation letters and he might've not been able to graduate," I stressed. "Why are you getting so mad, anyway? And calm it, would you?"

He hadn't calmed down a bit, though. I think what I said had only made him more red if possible. "You're telling me to calm down? I just found out from a friend that my girlfriend may be cheating on me with that . . . delinquent!" I was surprised people hadn't come out of their classrooms to see what all the commotion was about.

"Cheating?" Then what he had called Jacob registered. "Delinquent? Who are you to go around calling people names when you don't even know them?" I knew of Jacob being titled the bad boy at this school but I knew he listened to his parents, I knew he listened if he knew it was for his own good, people just assumed this kind of stuff.

Aiden was just raised this way, I've met his mother. She is high classed and posh, his father was more laid back. Aiden was more like his dad, but had, unfortunately picked up a few traits from his mom. Like judging based off looks.

I was trying to stay calm but Aiden was really testing my patience. "And what do you mean by me cheating?"

"Someone told me that you went to Saturday's party with him and he got in a fight over you twice. This morning I texted you to meet me at my locker because I didn't want to believe you were seeing someone else and so we can talk things out. You were taking forever when I was waiting for you at my locker so I decided to go to yours and on my way there, I saw you giving him his jacket like he was at your house, he hugs you, and he pulls you shirt down like the creep he is," he explained with his clenched jaw. "If you're cheating on me with him, tell me right now."

I stood quiet. Now I know why he was glaring and angry. He thought Jacob and I were going behind his back. Going to a party with him, people would probably assume it were a date. Jacob hitting someone, people would think he was being the protective boyfriend. Me handing him his jacket, Aiden would think Jacob was at my house, especially with all the evidence. Us hugging is a friendly gesture. And, when Jacob had pulled down my shirt to inspect the bruise, Aiden's mind would obviously start thinking there was something going on between us because that act looked pretty suggestive if you were on the side lines watching.

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