"I'm sorry? Come again?" Joe leaned his head slightly forward, begging me for a challenge.

"I said: your father is murdering scum." I spat.

"Oh, I'm sorry. He only saved ... I don't YOU. When you were born. Your dad was a fricking zombie who was trying to kill everyone."

"Really? MY dad was trying to kill everyone? You didn't even know him, Joe!" I stood up and pointed a finger to his chest.

"Oh, right. Because YOU did." Joe and I were two seconds away from murdering each other.

"I know that he would never kill anyone. Especially not my mother or myself. He wanted me."

"Yeah, sure he did. But he was a zombie... he was dead already and trying to bring everyone else down with him." Joe scoffed. "He's what killed your mom. Did you even read the novel?"

"ALRIGHT THAT'S IT CUZ!" I punched Joe in the face, toppling him backwards on the coffee table.

"JOE!" Vanessa screeched and rushed over to him. "Ohmigosh! His arm is bleeding, JJ!"

"Yeah? So? My parents died because of his."

Vanessa stared at me as if I was the one who had just murdered someone.

"I'm so sorry that your parents died before you were even born really, but you can't blame Mr. Jones for saving everyone in Riverdale- yourself included. AND he fricking raised you as his own son and this is how you treat him? Yeah, I don't need cousin drama in my life. Come on Joe. I'll wash your arm up, but then I have to go." Vanessa lectured, as she helped Joe up from the ground. "Oh gosh, your lip is bleeding too." She gently traced her fingers against his lips and he winced.

"Vanessa!" I cried out.

"No, JJ. I'm out if you're going to treat Joe this way. He did nothing wrong and neither did Mr. Jones. Take a look at yourself for once. Geez." She hurried Joe to the kitchen sink, and started cleaning his wounds. I started heading toward my bedroom. I wasn't going to put up with this crap.

"Joe," I leaned out from my bedroom doorway. "You can pack your things and leave by tonight, okay?" Joe looked shocked.

"Me? If you keep acting this way, my dad will probably fire you. How are you going to pay for this apartment?" He scoffed. Vanessa was still cleaning his wounds, a look of anger written on her face. I couldn't stand to see her mad at me. I just slammed my bedroom door and decided to hang out in there for awhile.


After a few hours of angrily painting in my bedroom, I finally heard a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it and expected Vanessa to come running back to me, but nope. It was Lili Mae.

"What do you want?" I scoffed.

"Ew. When was the last time you brushed your teeth? You smell awful." She gagged.

"Doesn't matter. What do you want?"

"Ok, what the heck happened today? You hear about this situation between our dads and you suddenly just drop everyone in your life? Also my best friend? REALLY?" She crossed her arms.

"I just... I need time to cool off, ok?"

"Well, stop drinking for starters. That's not helping anyone. Especially you. Do you have any idea what that does to your liver?"

"Yes, I do. I just choose to destroy it."

"Whatever. Also, really, my best friend?"

"Hey, stuff happens, ok, cuz?" I sighed. "But I guess we're practically over now and she hates me. Plus, I guess Joe saved her in the park or something."

"Yeah. Let's not talk about that. Ooh! Except for the fact that apparently Mantle finally found out that Archie is his dad. Yeahhhh that was weird to watch."

"What? You were there?"

"Yeah. I went with Vanessa and Joe to the Sheriff's office to help report what happened. Mr. Andrews and Mrs. Blossom-Mantle were there. Both of them were furious over what happened and then they talked about how Mantle was his son and everything.... yeahhhh Mrs. Blossom-Mantle did NOT like that he found out. But in the end, she was glad that it was finally out there, because now Mantle knows not to hit on Vanessa I guess. She still got a restraining order though, so there's that."


"Geez. What a mess."

"Yeah, but you know what else is messy? You. Fix yourself and act like a man. Realize what actually happened and when you do, my family will be waiting, k?" She gave me a sass-filled expression, almost as if I crossed her that I would be sorry that I did. I rolled my eyes and went back to painting.

Maybe they were right...


Eep. Wow it's taking me way longer to write this than it ever did to write Bughead. Sorry guys! In my defense, college has me crazy busy. Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed and thanks for the 2k!! :) Not really sure how I'm going to end this or where the story is going anymore exactly so please feel free to leave comments below of what you'd like to see!

Also idk how many ppl actually still read this so if you do enjoy it, please let me know and I'll try to wrap it up soon!

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