"Facial recognition: confirmed match." The robot says, it releases her arm then and steps away, back a few steps.

A compartment on the wrist piece opens up and a piece of paper comes out, the robot hands it out to her. It's no bigger than a business card. What the hell did it mean by confirmed match.

"Oh, no thank you I'm good bud." She says and tries to leave again but this bot is persistent and blocks every move she tries to get around it.

Dallas groans. This thing isn't going to let her go until she takes that dumb piece of paper. If she had ice cream, it'd be all melted to mush by now! It was taking up her precious junk food eating time, and putting a damper on the positive energy she possessed. She rips the paper out of its hand? and reads it.

cafe on 20th st. 3:00

whomst the fuck-

"What is all this?" She demands.

"I am here to help."

"Why did you give me this?" She tried again.

"Please remain calm."

"Oh now you're just going down a BS list. Do you even have any other programming?" Dallas taps the faceplate of the robot, it forcefully pulls her hands away from it and drops them.

It pauses for a moment, she's wonders if she's going to be getting a real answer now, "Please remain calm."

"This is useless. Thanks for wasting my time!" Dallas salutes and finally shoves past it, shoving the slip of paper in her pocket and ventures back on her way to the beaten up car she still had to work on.

Her shoes still squashed, and her mood was compromised but she made it back to her car, Griffin is leaning up against it drinking from a water bottle, his neck moving as he gulped the water. His t-shirt really wasn't too clean anymore, he had sweat stains and ones from water dripping from the bottle. His hair a dirty blonde mess.

She walks up silent and goes up to the car, opens the back seat and dumps the two bags inside. As she's bending over to get her drink her side tightens and Dallas groans. That guy hit the car real good last night. She is just glad she didn't end up hitting the side of a building like the racer did. Dallas grabs her drink, gets out of the car, shuts the door and leans up against it.

"Hey. So I changed the oil, made sure it was all good on water while ya were out, oh golly are those Sour Patch Kids?" Griffin comes over with an open smile, peering into the backseat childishly.

Dallas feels a involuntary smirk overtake her, she opens the door for him, "Knock yourself out."

"Yes yes yes." He chants and dives into the back going straight for the candy, he's out a second later opening the bag. Dallas shuts the car door.

"I'm workin' on that dent it's got on the door, but it's lookin' better than last night." He says in between stuffing his face and chewing the item from inside.

She walks over to it and he's right. The dent looked way worse last night, almost ready to cave in to the driver. She's lucky it didn't go any further, but she doesn't regret doing it. It was new, and next time she knows to watch more carefully. The nasty dent is almost gone now, it still has damage and the pain is cracked but it's nothing a little paint can't fix.

"Jay around?" She asks.

Griffin stills, frowning. "Been inside his apartment all day long, it's almos' two now."

Midnight Racer-Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now