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I couldn't take it anymore. I went back inside to find my phone. I had to rummage through my bag- that, mind you, I still haven't unpacked- to find it, and it was on very little battery. So I plugged it in and sat by the wall to use it while it charged.

3 unread messages:

Meghan: Hey, sorry about earlier, did I make you mad or something?

Meghan: Because if I did I'm really sorry. Hope you forgive me. xox. 4:56pm

Cory: Shawn hi text me whenever hope u like la miss u here tho ttyl. 12:32pm

Yesterday. Cory messaged me yesterday and I hadn't even noticed? What's my problem?

I decided to leave Meghan on read. She'll get over it.

I let out a long sigh and pressed the little phone icon by Cory's name and switched it over to speakerphone.

With my phone balanced on my knee, I waited.





"Come on, Cor!" I said aloud, as if he could hear me.




"Shawnie! Hi!" An old familiar voice exclaimed through my phone speaker.

A smile spread across my face. It seemed like forever since the elevator doors separated us back in Philadelphia.

"Shawwwwniee, You there?" Cory asked.

I'm here. I didn't say that though. I didn't know what to say anymore. I just wanted Cory to tell me a story about Feeny or Topanga or something that made me feel like I was home.

"Shawnie McShawnShawn? Are You there?" He asked again.

"Yeah, yeah I am, sorry." I finally spoke.

"Okay good. What's going on, Shawn? You having fun? You real busy? Make any new best friends? Meet any celebrities? Have you walked the red carpet yet? Are you famous??"

"Slow down buddy!" I stopped him before he could ask any more questions. "No red carpet, no fame, no celebrites. Sorry."

"Bummer." Cory replied.


"So if you're not walking the red carpet with Celine Dion, what are you doing?"

"Not much of anything, yet." I tried to sound excited for his sake. "You should see the apartment I've got, Cor, it's bigger than the entire trailer park."

"Really?? When are you gonna fly me out there to visit you, Mr. Big bucks?" Cory laughed.

"Trust me, I have less money than what I left with."

"Parting Ways"- A Boy Meets World Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now