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This is it, this is huge! The opportunity of a lifetime is set right out on the table in front of me! It's time for me to actually get somewhere in my life!

My best friend, for forever minus five years, would be absolutely crushed. I don't know how I could possibly tell him. This is my dream, this is everything I want to become; but, in order to become it, I have to let go of everything I have. It's not like I have much, I never have; but, over the years I've made a few very close friends; they mean the world to me.

When I was first presented with this job offer it shocked me. I'm almost halfway through my sophomore year at Pennbrook University, and I'm barely passing. There are plenty of other qualified people for this position. My decision is still unclear. Thinking about leaving my life here is hard, but oh my gosh, this is huge!

I chewed on the idea and made up my mind before even mentioning it to Cory. He reacted well at first, which was surprising.

"No way! This is everything you've ever wanted, Shawnie! I'm so happy for you!"

"Yes, I know; but-" I was cut off. Cory doesn't hear much when he's excited.

"Picture it now!" He put his arm around my shoulder and gestured to the air above our heads, as if there was something to see up there, "You, a jounralist! You could do it all! The pictures, the articles, you're the perfect guy for the job!" He continued on, not even letting me get a word in.


"Like, these are the smartest people in the whole world wanting to hire you because-"


"Yes, my Shawn?"

"The job is in Los Angeles, California."

"Oh..." His smile dropped as he sat on the arm of the couch, "Well in that case it's an awful idea, totally idiotic! You should just stay here and not go anywhere ever!" Now that was the response I expected... I heard his heart sink.

Cory and I have always been really close; brothers in spirit. It would be rough to live three thousand miles away from him.

"Maybe it is an awful idea;" I agreed, "but, it's everything I've ever wanted, yaknow?" I sat on the coffee table in front of him to meet his eye.

"Yeah..." Cory said with a sigh, "I know. I want you to have what you want, I really do. I just don't want you to have to go to Los Angeles to get it..." He broke eye contact and stared at his fingernails, that he was picking off and flicking onto the carpet.

"What do think I should do?" I knew his answer already, yet I somehow hoped he would give me the response I wanted.

"Shawn," this tone was abnormally serious coming from a Matthews, "I think you should stay here, finish school, marry your girlfriend, and never leave Philadelphia, ever."

I nodded. He was right; it might be pretty idiotic to just get up and move across the country.

"I want you to be happy, Shawnie. Do what makes you happy." He seemed unsure about telling me that. He then got up and walked out, leaving me to sit on the table and think about what he told me. Was this completely idiotic? Would I be diving in way over my head with this? I didn't know; but, I am set on this job... I think.

I must have sat there on the table for a very long time, because when I looked up from staring at my untied shoelaces, the student union was empty, except for two seniors playing pool across the way.

A decision that seemed so clear in my mind an hour ago was now fogged. I should've just told Cory I was going and there wasn't anything he could do to change my mind. I knew that wouldn't work. Cory is a mindbender; he knows how to get his way. I have a feeling, though, that he might not get what he wants this time.

I guess my girlfriend, Angela, joined me after a while. I didn't even realize she was there until I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"What's going on?" I jumped when she asked this. I didn't expect anybody to say anything. "Something bite you?" She asked, laughing under her breath.

"Nah, Sorry." I turned a little bit to face her. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to hear your wheels turning. Now talk, I don't have all night."

"Angela..." I took her hands as we locked eyes. I lost myself within my own mind once again. She was my first love, my only love, the thought of leaving her ripped my heart out. Don't get me wrong, I still want the job. I just need a little approval; the approval I didn't get from Cory, that is.

Angela's eyes narrowed, making it clear to me that she was getting impatient and just wanted me to talk to her.

"How would you feel if I-" I let go of one of her hands to sweep the hair out of my eyes as I restarted my sentence, trying to speak more clearly, "How would you feel if I moved to LA?"

"You're crazy, Shawn, do you know that?" She didn't answer my question.

"Yeah, I know. You see, I got this insane job offer." I began to get excited as I talked about it, "They want me to be a jounralist, Angela! I'd have my own column in the paper. Everybody whose anybody would be reading it."

"It is a great offer, but is it worth it?" She asked. I was tired of all these questions, I just wanted a clear answer.

"I don't know." I sighed, "What do you think?" I was honestly waiting for her to give me her opinion.

"I think, that you should do whatever you need to do to be happy." Angela stood up, moved my hair out my face and kissed my forehead.

"I don't know what I need to be happy..." I mumbled, mostly to myself, as she walked out. I kind of hoped she would hear me; she didn't.

What in the world am I going to do?

"Parting Ways"- A Boy Meets World Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now