Best Friends 6

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When I wake up the next morning, my brain feels foggy, like I can't think straight. Between last night, the award show and the two songs I performed, not to mention the rehearsals that started at five am yesterday, I was exhausted.
The only reason I was awake now was because something kept rubbing against the inside of my thigh, something hard...
"Tae." I mumble into the crook of his neck.
Almost immediately, the motion against my thigh stops as his arm loosens it's grip on my waist.
I prop up on my elbows to look into his face and give him a sleepy smirk.
"Were you really trying to rub one out on me just now?" I ask.
"I can't help the way my body reacts to you." Tae replies, his face turning red.
"You could've just asked." I say with a smirk, trailing my hand down his stomach and down the length of him.
Tae closes his eyes as pleasure takes over his features. I still can't believe he's really here, after all this time. But that meant David was probably worried sick; I know I would be if the situation was reversed.
Tae frowns and opens his eyes as i pull my hand away.
"Kookie please, this isn't the time for teasing." Tae says a bit anxiously.
"I think you should head home." I say quietly.
"I am home." Tae replies.
He laughs as i hit his arm. "That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard."
"Its true though." Tae says as he pulls me down until I'm laying on his chest, my chin resting on my hands. "You're the one for me, just like I'm the one for you."
"I'm sure David thinks the same thing about you and him." I say softly.
Taehyung doesn't reply to that; he just absent-mindedly rubs my back.
"You should go talk to him today." I say after a moment.
"Why can't I do it tomorrow? We have to meet everyone for lunch at twelve." Tae replies.
"Because the longer you wait, the worse it'll be." I say.
Tae goes quiet again, looking away from me.
"You're going to go talk to David; promise me." I say, trying to look him in the eye.
"Ok, ok. I do it." He says, finally meeting my gaze.
"Ok. I'll see you at lunch after that." I say.
"If I don't get to see you again until lunch, I need something to hold me over." Tae says as he flips us over so that he's straddling my waist as he bends down and kisses me.
I wrap my arms around his neck, moaning against his lips as he enters me, going hard and fast just like I like it. I lean my head back against the pillows, moaning uncontrollably as Tae leaves hickeys along my neck. Tae continues to go hard and fast as he cums inside me, making me cum too a moment later.
He collapses on top of me as we both try to regain our breath.
"You know, as much as I missed you, I think I missed this alittle more." I say teasingly with a grin.
"You couldn't have missed it too much. You had that girl to keep you company." Tae replies.
"Yeah but I didn't love her the way I love you." I say.
Tae props up on his elbows and smiles at me.
"Now who's saying cheesy things?" He asks softly.

"Is he anwsering?" Seokjin asks as our food arrives at the table.
"No," Jimin says as he sets his phone on the table, looking worried. "Do you think he's ok?"
"I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just running late." Yoongi says.
"That's what happened yesterday." Hoseok adds.
"Or he might have had to stay at work, since he left early yesterday." Namjoon says.
"He still should reach out and let us know, no matter what's going on." Seokjin says.
"Yugyeom said they stopped and watched your performance yesterday, and that everyone liked it." Jimin says as they begin to eat.
"Oh." I say a bit distracted as i look at my phone to see if Tae had called or texted me- which he hadnt.
This whole thing was starting to make me nervous, especially since it was my fault for making him go over there in the first place.
I look up to see everyone staring at me.
"Yeah?" I say a bit awkwardly.
"Jimin just asked what the rest of your schedule is for the month." Seokjin says, watching me carefully.
"Oh. I have two weeks to finish the album, and then a week and a half of practice, followed by three comeback stages and then a mini tour, followed by a world tour- sprinkled with photoshoots, music video shoots and variety shows." I say, rattling off my schedule like a grocery list.
"Where are the off days?" Seokjin asks with a frown.
"There are no off days hyung. At least not until after the second tour." I say with a small smile.
"That's a very hectic schedule, Jungkook. You should eat well and try to rest whenever you can." Yoongi says.
"Yeah, I could never put up with a schedule like that." Jimin says.
"That's why I'm the idol and not all of you." I say teasingly, jumping as my phone suddenly begins to vibrate in my pocket.
"Jungkook, what's wrong-?"
"Tae, are you ok?" I ask as soon as i anwser my phone, ignoring Jimin.
"Yeah." Tae replies easily.
" did it go?" I ask.
"Like I thought it would go. He was pissed and then he was sad and then he just accepted it. But he made me move out right then and there. And your doorman won't let me up to your apartment because I'm not on the list." Tae says.
"Oh, I forgot about that. Hold on, I'll be right there." I say, already standing up.
"No, don't do that. You're at lunch with the hyungs right? I'll just come down there." Tae replies.
"With all your things? No, don't do that. I'll call the front desk and tell them to let you up. And then come here after that." I say.
"Ok, thanks. I'll see you then." Tae says.
"Ok bye." I say, turning red as i look up to see everyone staring at me. Jimin actually has a smirk on his face.
"When were you going to tell us?" He asks teasingly.
"It was the song, wasn't it?" Hoseok asks with a grin.
"I don't think anyone's said it yet, but that was a really nice song Jungkook." Yoongi says, smiling.
"Yeah, it really was." Hoseok agrees wholeheartedly.
"Thanks. I really meant everything I said. Thank you guys for making me the person I am today." I say sincerely.
"You're welcome." Seokjin says promptly, making everyone laugh.
"Honestly, it was all Taehyung. He cracked your shell." Jimin says.
"I actually came up with the chorus after I saw Tae, the day before the award show. And then I thought about you all and the rest just came to me." I admit.
"So where is he now? I'm guessing he ended things with David, right?" Namjoon asks.
I nod. "He should be moving his things into my apartment."
Jimin sighs, looking at the time on his phone.
"I don't want to, but I need to go." He says as he stands.
"No, wait. Can you spare a few minutes?" I say quickly, looking up at him.
"Yeah." Jimin says, sitting back down.
"What's wrong?" Seokjin asks.
"Its nothing bad," I say and everyone visibly relaxes.  "I wanted to wait for Tae before I did this, but I guess it's ok. I have something to give to all of you."
I pull the envelopes out of my pocket and hand them out to each person.
"Its just a little thank you for everything you've done for me; especially you Hyung." I say to Seokjin.
His eyes go wide as he opens the envelope and sees the amount on the check.
"I can't take this Jungkook. Its too much." He says as he holds the envelope out to me.
The others look as if they're nervous to open their envelopes.
"Please take it, at least for the house, if not for yourself." I say as Namjoon opens his envelope, swearing quietly at the amount.
"You can buy a bigger house, so that you can help more people." I say.
"This is a joke right?" Namjoon asks as the others begin to open their envelopes.
I shake my head. "I hope that's enough. I wasn't sure how much to give you all since you're in school so I talked to an advisor."
"This is more than enough. This is basically like a full ride through university, and then some." Hoseok says, clearing his throat.
"What is this?" Yoongi asks as he pulls out the slip of paper from his envelope.
I smile. "Its an appointment. It should be for next Tuesday at twelve o'clock," I say and he nods. "it's basically like an audition. You have an hour and a half to write a song and if they like it, they'll sign you on as a temporary composer/producer. Depending on how you do with that, you could become a full time composer/producer."
Yoongi looks lost for words as Hoseok grins at him.
Jimin reaches over and hugs me.
"Ah, this is too much. Thank you Jungkook." He says as he pulls away, dabbing at his eyes.
"I knew you were making money, but I didn't think it would be this much." Namjoon says.
"He's a kpop idol now, remember?" Hoseok says.
"Kpop idol JK." Seokjin says, making everyone laugh.

Best Friends 2  (18+) | TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now