1. Where are they- wait wut...?

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(A/N: Yeah, short prologue I know, but normal chapters are supposed to be much longer so don't be too disappointed.)
Lance: 'I swear, I will declare my love for you Katie, once I find you.'

Shiro: 'Keith, wherever you are, I promise I'll keep you safe my love...'

Hunk: Why would they leave anyway? I mean, just one month ago they seemed fine. Now they suddenly want to run of to Olkari?

~Allura: I cannot say the same thing about their recent behavior as you I'm afraid... I have watched them closely lately and they had been acting fairly suspicious to say the least...

Lance: Suspicious hooww...?

~Allura: Well for one thing have none of you noticed Pidge looking a little pale? I swear it seems like she had been extremely sick, and every time Keith would draw our attention away from something, from the corner of my eye I could see Pidge running off for a few moments.

Allura paused, debating to tell the remaining members of the team what she saw next. She knew black and blue's undeniable passion for green and red, but she needed to tell them what she saw, they needed answers. They deserved as much of the truth as she knew at this point in time.

~Allura: And... *sigh* at one point I walked in on them kissing... and, when they saw me looking at them they begged me not to tell you all... so I didn't, but now, you all need to know... I never should have hidden it in the first place I'm sorry...

Shiro and Lance slammed the breaks in of their lions at what they had just heard.

~Allura: Now... I don't know if they are official, nor how long they have had this relationship... Shiro, Lance... I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner...

There was a haunting silence that followed Allura's statement, Lance and Shiro were trying to get the image they imagined out of their heads while Hunk and Coran were completely confused.

Hunk: But... If they were happy together, then why would they leave...?

Coran: The yellow Paladin has a point princess... I can't understand why they would run off like that if they were happily in a relationship together.

Allura: What if they knew that Shiro and Lance would be upset and didn't want them to find out... or... some, other reason that I really don't want to say...

Allura remembered looking at the corner of her eyes seeing Pidge and Keith holding each other or standing close to one another, she thought she knew what happened but... she didn't want to jinx it, she couldn't. Shiro and Lance on the other hand were not willing to except what Allura has just told them, the extent of their passion was unbelievable and they weren't willing to loose that person. They didn't want to. The team landed on the Olkarian planet and walked to Ryner.

Shiro: Hello again Ryner, we're here for an important mission, two of our Paladins flew an escape pod to your planet and we need to find them as fast as possible. And we would appreciate it if you would lend a hand...?

Ryner shot them a suspicious look.

Ryner: Y-... you all didn't know they were here?

Lance: What do you mean?

Allura listened intently to what Ryner was saying.

Ryner: Those two Paladins you were speaking of, they were here not too long ago, and we helped them with something they didn't want me to tell you, and we also made new backup lenses for your ship. Did you not know about his?

Shiro/Lance: No!
Allura: So wait... they didn't run away?! We thought they did!

Allura heard a door open behind her and looked over to see Pidge and Keith, Keith held up a massive pack of lenses and Pidge looked like she was hiding something behind her back.

Keith: Hey guy- where is everybody?

Allura: Where in the quiznack have you two been?!

Pidge: Um... getting lenses for the ship?

Coran: We thought you two ran away!

Pidge: What? Just because we didn't use our lions thanks a lot for that...💢

Allura: Well why did you go while we were asleep, why didn't you tell us where we were going, and why did you use an escape pod?

Pidge: One, we didn't want the Galra to see either of our lions alone and corner us. Two, we told you earlier we were going to get the lenses, remember?

Coran: Hmm.... AH! Yes I remember now!

Pidge: Yeah and three, we realized we needed the lenses right before we went to bed, and Keith and I couldn't sleep so we decided to go get them immediately in case if an emergency were to happen before all of us woke up.

Coran: That's not- well... actually that explains it quite well... oh um, princess? Must we contact the Paladins to come back?

Allura groaned and nodded before she called into the speakers for the Paladins.

Allura: Paladins, false alarm they're both back.

With that Lance and Shiro's lions were back in mere seconds while Hunk wasn't really in a rush. Pidge hid the mysterious object in her pocket catching Coran's attention as Lance squeezed her with a hug and Shiro doing the same for Keith, both trying to pry the Paladins off of them.

Pidge: Ack-! Lance get-! *tries to push him off but fails* What the- is getting lenses for a ship THAT big of a deal?!💢

Unfortunately Keith was having that same problem.

Keith: Ow, Shiro that hurts...!

Allura: Of course it's a big deal! You left in the middle of the night when we were all asleep, using an escape pod, and doing so without telling us the reason scratch that! Without telling us why you were leaving in the first place! We thought you two ran away!

Pidge: Okay point made... but for the record we did tell you why we were leaving but nobody seems to remember!

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