They were standing at the end of the corridor. All five of them. And they were watching me.

A chill passed through me. They just looked so – so empty. As though all the life had been sucked out of them.

I hadn’t realized until then how all the fleeting expressions that constantly shifted and changed on a person’s face made up such a large part of who they were.

The only one showing any sign of life was Madison, her cold blue eyes boring into mine, completely at odds with the strange smile on her face.

Jonathon was staring at the floor, his face as emotionless as theirs, until Madison moved towards me.

He stepped forward, finally looking up, and I saw the spark of life in his eyes that was missing from the others.

“Let me.” Morgan’s arm shot out, lightning fast, holding him back. Even his voice was cold and flat.

Jonathon nodded, his face so calm, so controlled. Just like them.

But his eyes betrayed him.

He was trying to tell me something. Only I didn’t understand what it was. How could I?

They had all the pieces, and I had none.

“Madison.” Morgan’s voice was firm.

“What?” she stopped, but she didn’t turn. Her eyes were on me still.

“Look at me.” He grabbed her arm.

I heard the soft murmur of his voice as he spoke to her, low and flat and monotonous, but I couldn’t hear what he said.

“No. You can’t make me,” Madison’s loud voice rang through the air.

“You know the rules,” Morgan hissed as Melissa and Chris walked past, slowing down to watch when they realized something was going on.

“I don’t see what’s so special about her, anyway,” Madison growled, her face blazing with anger as she kicked the locker.

“Wow, she really does have it in for you,” Beck said.

“Tell me about it,” I muttered.

I don’t know what Morgan said to Madison after that, but it worked. I watched it happen. Her face suddenly went slack. Her eyes went hard and empty.

Everyone in the corridor watched as Morgan led her away, the others falling into step behind them.

Except for Jonathon.

He was still standing there, sending messages I couldn’t understand with his eyes.

“Did you see that,” Melissa hurried over.

Beck just looked at her.

“Told you they’re on drugs,” Melissa hissed. “He just gave her something.”

Beck rolled her eyes. “It wouldn’t work that fast.”

“How would you know,” Melissa huffed, turning away to watch them.

“Jonathon,” Morgan snapped, and Jonathon took his place, following after them.

Then Chris grinned, and his face went dramatically blank as he spun around, making Melissa laugh. His movements were stiff and exaggerated as he shadowed them through the corridor, his antics easing the sudden tension as the other people who had stopped to watch began to laugh.

Chris turned and bowed, before jogging back to us, a grin splitting his face.

“I’ve finally figured it out,” he said, his blue eyes shining mischievously. “Morgan’s collecting followers for his cult. Be careful,” his tone suddenly became ominous as he pointed at me. “You’re next on his list.”

Silverlighters  (revised version as I edit)Where stories live. Discover now