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Yanno I just like this song okay

I've been here for a week now Millie and I are really close. Caleb and I are bestfreinds out of all the guys. Caleb is one of the most important people to me. All the guys are.

Gaten is really goofy, Noah is a great listener, and Finn is caring and funny. I learned that Caleb and Gaten where together. And Noah ans Finn where dating to.

I really couldn't ask for better friends. I'm so greatful for them. And Millie she is perfect, she is everything. Most of the time she would fall asleep in my arms. And the greatest feeling to waking up to her cuddled next to me.
I love her so much.

We constantly stay up till the crack of dawn talking about everything, and anything.

John came in earlier and we talked a bit before he had to leave. He had said that we where painting today and if I'm honest I'm excited. I'm quite good and paining and drawing.
Says everyone I know.

"I can't paint worth shit" Millie said standing up with her hands on her hips. She looked to cute I couldnt help but stare."Sadie" Millie said snapping me put of my trance.

"Eh I'm okay I guess" I said studdering a bit. I stood up and walked to the mirror running my fingers through my red hair.

Millie followed "What are you doing" she asked. "I'm fixing this rats nest I call my hair" I replied.

"Why your hair looks pretty, it's like fire" she said now looking at me. My cheeks turned a light shade of red." I wish it did. And i wish it wasn't red, it's so different" I said.

"But reds such a beautiful color, and who said different was bad" she said smiling.

I smiled back "Only if everyone thought being different was a good thing like you do. Only if everyone was as perfect as you." I said smiling not realizing I had just said Millie was perfect. My face turned a little pink from embarrassment.

Millies face was a bright red. "T-thank you" she said hugging me tightly. "Only if everyone could be so" she paused "Just so you" she said still holding me tightly.

I turned red."Thanks Millis" I said grinning ear to ear. The door opened to reveal John "Its time to paaaaint" he announced dramatically holding out the 'a'.

I smiled and followed John. Millie walked beside me still a little pink. John showed us the art room we saw the bpys and headed toward them.

"What's up fuckers" I said as i sat down. Everyone chuckled. "You fucking ready to get your paint on" Caleb said. We all continued to laugh.

"So what are you guys painting" Noah asked."Probably something rainbow or shit" Millie said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Same" I said. "Yeah me to" Finn added. We all laughed again. Grabbing paint brushes and paint. We each started to paint our own little master peice.

I drew little rainbows all over the paper with the word 'peace in the middle. I look around everyone had painted or drawn rainbow on there paper.

But Millies was the most unique. She had draw a woman's face and her hair had been rainbow colored. It was so pretty.

"Okay guys painting over" John said. I sighed I didn't want to stop, Millie looked upset when we where told we had to leave "Hey John can me and Millie stay and paint more pleaseee?" I asked.

"Of course just don't eat paint or anything" he said smiling. "Thanks honney".

Millie was putting away her paints."I asked John if we could stay and paint longer he said yeah" I said. Millies eyes lit up "Thank you Sadie" she said with a smile and hugged me.

The boys said goodbye and left shutting the door.

"Do what are you painting?" I asked. "I'm not sure just whatever I think of" she said not looking away from the paper.

I grabbed my paint and walked over to the wall. So plain and boring I thought. I dipped my paint brush in the red pain. I started to paint the wall. I heard Millie gasp.

"Sadie what are you doing?" Millie asked supprised."Painting it was so dull I mean what did ya expect" i said smiling back a Millie.

She giggled at my words."Can I paint to" she said guestering towards the wall.

"Yeah don't get your paint on mine" I said smiling. I continued to paint a big rainbow covering the plain white paint.

"What happens if I do" she said with a slight smirk. "I-i" I didn't know what to say.

"Cats gotcha toung" she had a crooked grinn on her face. "N-no I'll just throw paint on you then" I said going back to my painting. I finished it, it was a rainbow that covered the plain wall.

I looked over at Millie she was grinning. "I bet you'd do that" she said. "You think I won't" I said dipping my brush in paint pointing it at her.

"Yea-" her words cut short when I flung the paint at her hitting her in the cheak.

She gasped "Sadie" she said. I laughed hard, till I felt paint cover my face."Oh my god Millie" I said she just laughed.

I threw my paint brush down in frustration and scoped a bunch of paint on my hand. I put it on top of her head turning her brown hair green.

"Sadie its never going to come out of my hair" she whinned. I couldn't control my laughter.

She tossed a scoop of paint on my hair, knowing it was gonna be hard to get out of my hair.

Back and forth we went throwing paint at eachother. The room was a complete mess.

We stoped for a minute and just stared at eachother inching closer to eachother. We where only an inch away. My heart was beating out of my chest, i sware you could hear it.

Her arms slowly slithered around my neck. I wraped my arms around her waist. I pulled her closer to me. She pressed her lips slowly to mine.

I deepened the kiss for a second longer then pulled away. I smiled at her for a long time. "I really like you Sadie" the words rolled off her toung.

"I really like you to" I said now hugging her. "This room is a fucking mess and we are going to get in so much trouble" I said pulling away and sighing.

"I know hold on I want to do something" she grabbed purple paint and covered her and and also mine.

"Now just press it beside the rainbow" she said guestering to our hands.

We pressed out hands leaving two purple hand prints. I smile sweetly at her and she grinned at me. I laced her purple hand with mine feeling truly happy.

I don't really like this chapter I feel like it's shit and it's been like 2 days since I've updated. But whatever I have v bad writers block so.
If you see any spelling errors just ignore em :)

Thanks 4 reading.

•Sillie•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora