"T-The pleasure is mine, K-Kaname-sama," I stuttered. He stood straight and chuckled.

"Just Kaname, please," he smiled.

"Okay," I said, almost in a whisper, looking up into his eyes, my grey ones meeting his almost crimson ones. "Kaname."

"Yuki!" Uncle squealed. I finally looked away from Kaname and around him as I saw two more students come into the large-ish office. I see that Uncle has his arms wrapped around a girl who looks a little annoyed. She's kind of short, has short brown hair and is wearing a uniform. The boy that came in with her was tall, maybe as tall as Kaname, if not very close. He had short sliver hair and pretty lavender eyes.

"Hello headmaster," Yuki mumbled, prying Uncle's arms off of her.

"Why don't you call me daddy, huh?" he cried.

"Umm, Uncle?" I called, a little unsure of what was going on.

"Oh yes!" He came over to me and yanked me over to the other two. "Yuki, Zero, this is my niece Luna. Luna this is my daughter Yuki, and my son Zero. They are on the Disciplinary Committee, just like you will be!"

"It's nice to meet you!" Yuki said. I smiled and nodded.

"Welcome," Zero said. My smile dropped a bit and I nodded at him as well. He didn't know why I was really here, only Uncle and Kaname knew at this point.

"Alright!" Uncle said. "Yuki, Zero I want you two to show Luna around the academy. She will need to know her way around when she is patrolling tonight."

"Will she be able to remember everything in time?" Yuki asked.

I smiled at her. "I have a near identic memory, don't worry, I'll remember."

"That's so cool!" she beamed.

"Luna," Kaname called from the window. Yuki's head snapped to him as she mumbled his name.

"Yes, Kaname?" I asked.

"Tonight, you will be on duty, correct?"

"If nothing changes, then yes, I will be." I tilted my head slightly and narrowed my eyes a bit; something I usually do when I'm curious and I have a question. "Why?"

"I would like to speak with you when my classes are over," he said simply. "Will you meet me outside of the classroom when classes are finished?"

"S-Sure," I stuttered. He smiled and walked towards us.

"Good," he said. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips again. "Until tonight, my sweet, Luna," he smiled against my lips. He placed a lingering kiss to my knuckles before departing.

"Oh and Kaname!" Uncle called before Kaname had left. "There will be a new teacher in your ethics class tonight."

Kaname nodded, glanced over at Yuki then at me before leaving out the door, closing it softly behind him.

"A new teacher?" Yuki asked.

"A hunter," Zero corrected.

"You are both correct," Uncle said. "He is the new teacher for both the Day Class and the Night Class. And he is also a hunter. You may know him Luna. But I'm not positive."

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Wait," Yuki said. "Why would she know him if he's a hunter?"

"You are a hunter as well, aren't you Luna?" Zero asked.

"And if I am?" I questioned. "What would you do about it?"

"I would ask why you're here," he said.

"Can't a girl just be here to see a family friend?"

"I would believe that, if it weren't for the recent events in this school and the fact that you're a hunter," he replied.

I chuckled. "I guess you wouldn't believe it," I grinned. "But I truly am here to see my Uncle; it just isn't what I was assigned."

"What have you been assigned?" Yuki asked.

"She has come here on Kaname's request," Uncle answered. "She is here to watch over Zero and make sure he doesn't hurt himself or others."

"So a babysitter?" Zero said.

"Not exactly," I replied. "My job is to watch you, not care for you or make your decisions for you. I will watch what decisions you make and I will judge whether or not you need to be put down."

"You can't do that!" Yuki gasped.

"If it means the safety of others I can," I said stoically. "And you won't be able to stop me." I turned back to Uncle to see him sitting at his desk with his fingers laced under his chin. "So who is this teacher slash hunter?"

I went back to the loveseat and sipped from my now cold tea. "His name," Uncle began, "is Toga Yagari."

"I've never met him," I said, "but I have heard of him. Good hunter does things a little differently than others but he still gets the job done. That's all that matters."

"I agree," Uncle said. "But I don't always agree with his methods."

"I suppose," I mumbled.

"Yuki!" Uncle squealed. "You should show Luna around now. I need to have a word with Zero."

"A-Alright," Yuki stuttered. I sighed and stood placing the tea back on the table.

"Okay," I said. I winced a bit as I moved my leg a little too fast and pain shot through my entire leg. I let out a soft whimper and gripped my thigh. I stumbled a bit and grabbed the arm of the loveseat with my free hand.

"Luna?" Uncle gasped.

"I-I'm fine," I got out. I stood straight, moving slower this time. "Just an injury from a recent mission, that's all."

"Is it serious, Luna?" Yuki asked me.

I shook my head and smiled reassuringly. "It's nothing, I just pulled a muscle, and I'll be just fine. I think I'm going to skip the tour today, I can find my way around tonight, I'm sure."

"Are you absolutely sure, Luna?" Uncle asked.

"Yes," I said. "I will be fine tonight. I'm just jet lagged from the plane ride over here, I need to rest. I will see you later, Yuki and Zero. Good bye Uncle, I'll see you tomorrow."

I practically ran as much as I could out of the office. I could barely contain my whimpers and groans as pain shot through my entire body. I slammed open the front doors of the academy and found a nice, dark corner down an empty ally where I could suffer alone in. I fell to the ground with a thud and I trembled in blinding pain. I whimpered quietly, trying to keep my voice down so no one would notice I was there. I wrapped my arms around my torso and waited for the pain to stop. I laid there for I don't even know how long, trembling, crying, suffering. It was the same every day. And I suffered through it all alone. Only Anna knew what was wrong with me, and she couldn't help me, how could anyone else?

As the pain passed the sun started to sink into the sky, and the stars began to shine. I sat up and rolled the sleeve of my jacket up to see my arm. It was the same, if not darker. It almost looked like black vines were wrapped around me tight, and I knew they would never let me go. I would never be able to escape the black.

A Vampire's Disease (Vampire Knight. Kaname Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon