Chapter 13

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Alex: I can't believe you've been seeing the Eric Carson and you didn't even know it!
Luna: Right! I'm so jealous of you!
Kacey: Well his name, fame and money doesn't matter to me. I like him for the person he is. Not for what he has.
Alex: That's true love right there!
Luna: Yes girl!
Kacey: Omg Luna. I can't deal with you.
Luna: Ok, ok. But shit, you're so fucking lucky!
Kacey: Well he's coming over any minute now and he's bringing his brother and his best friend too.
Luna and Alex: Yeyyyyyyyy
Kacey: Calm down you guys.
Eric: Hello gorgeous
Kacey: Hey handsome
Jason: Who are these two beautiful ladies?
Kacey: This is Alex.
Alex: Hello
Kacey: And that's Luna.
Luna: Well hello.
Kacey: Where's your brother at?
Eric: He should be here soon.
Alex: How old are you Eric?
Eric: I'm 23
Alex: Kacey's 21 so it's all good.
Jason: So, Luna, you wanna go inside and get to know each other?
Luna: Sure.
Alex: And there was 3 of us.
Jake: Now theres 4. I'm Jake. What's your name?
Alex: I'm Alex.
Jake: Let's go to the bar and talk.
Alex: Okay.
Kacey: So there's just 2 of us.
Amber: Hey there Eric. Miss me?
Kacey: And what exactly are you?
Amber: I'm Eric's girlfriend. Who the hell are you?
Kacey: Girlfriend? This has to be some kinda sick joke, right? Eric, please tell me she's lying.
Eric: She is lying. What she meant to say is that, we have to pretend to date for the record label.
Kacey:" And another piece of my heart broke off."
Kacey: Have fun with your fake girlfriend. Goodbye Eric.
Kacey:" I knew it was too good to be true. All men are the same. They're always lying. Always getting you close then they break your heart. From now on my emotions are going to be shut off. Too much damage has already been done. I don't need anymore pieces of my heart to fall off. One day, maybe not today, but one day I'm going to die of a broken heart."

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