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"Jimin, are you okay?" Daisys voice was trembling as she and Yoongi looked over to where Jimin was hanging even more limply than before.

"'M fine," His voice was muffled and soft, as his head was hanging low. Blood was slowly seeping through his clothes, and it was obvious that the wounds were a lot deeper than Jimin was pretending.

"Jimin, stay awake!" Yoongi cried suddenly, "Don't fall asleep!"

"Just closing my eyes," He muttered in reply, his voice even more quiet than before, "They hurt. Can't rub them,"

"No, don't!" Yoongi was struggling in his chains, "Jimin, don't close them, open them! Jimin!"

Jimin sagged, his head drooping and his hair covering his face.

"Jimin!" Yoongi yelled, "Jimin, wake up! Wake up!"

There was no response.



Kim gripped Jungkooks hand tightly as they sat quietly within the half-ring of fire at their backs. She was sweating from the heat, and there were little spars firing off that kept hitting her exposed skin, leaving little black marks. She didn't even flinch.

"It's here," Jungkooks voice was low; so quiet that she barely heard him over the crackling of the flames, and she lifted her eyes towards the direction that he was looking.

On the other side of the stream, Kim could just make out a tall, thin horned figure, standing without moving. It seemed relaxed, but when it opened it's mouth, Kims grip tightened on Jungkook, and she had to fight the urge to run.

The sound of her brother screaming came from the clacking jaws of the elongated skull, not matching it's body at all. She squeezed her eyes shut as it screamed again, before her cousins voice sounded, closer than before.

"Run!" Her eyes snapped open; the sound of Yoongis voice was so close that it was as if it was in her ears, and she went to move her hands to cover them, but Jungkook tightened his grip.

"Don't move," He ordered under his breath, "It knows we are here, but it can't see us,"

The sounds of Daisy whimpering came from the mouth this time as the Demon swung its head from side to side, searching for them. She could feel a scream bubbling up her throat as the light from the fire caught the eye of the creature as it searched.

The dead, yellowing eyes set far back into the socket of the skull had no eyelids, and were rolling around in its head looking for them. There was no emotion in that eye; no anger, no sorrow or joy. Only a ravenous hunger.She felt Jungkooks muscles tense as it stepped closer to them, its feet making a little splashing sound as it stepped into the water.

"It hurts!" Jimins voice came from the creatures mouth, and Kim could do nothing but stare in horror as it stepped a little further into the water, "Kim! It hurts!"

She felt Jungkook squeeze her hand slightly, as if he was trying to comfort her, but she was sure that the pounding of her heart in her chest was drawing the Demon right to them.

"Run! It hurts!" The voice sounded more garbled now as it got closer, and Kim could tell that it wasn't entirely her brothers voice. It was as if it had heard the saying before, and had just pushed his voice over the other one, to make it sound like Jimin.

That gave her hope; maybe Jimin hadn't screamed like that. Maybe he hadn't cried out how much something was hurting him. Maybe he was alive.

"Kookie!" The garbled voice of a young girl sounded next. The Demon was trying to trick them into moving, so it could see exactly where they were. It wanted them to move away from the fire.

Another scream came from the creatures mouth; in a voice that Kim didn't recognise. But by Jungkooks reaction, he did. His grip tightened on her hand so much that she thought he was going to break her bones, but she didn't move. She heard a faint click, like the sound of a gun being cocked, and squeezed his hand back, hoping that he wasn't going to suddenly start a fight. The creature screamed again, in a male voice this time, and Kim could feel that he was going to move.

"Jungkook," She whispered as quietly as she could, "It isn't real. It isn't real, you're here with me, they aren't here, it isn't real,"

Jungkooks grip relaxed a little, and although she could tell he was still tense, he wasn't a coiled spring, ready to release.

The Demon was half way across the stream, the water up to its thighs. It seemed to have stopped moving, not wanting to get too close to the fire, but its head jerked to the side all of a sudden, the low rumble of a growl coming up out of the skulls jaws.

"Shit," Jungkook whispered, "The fire,"

As slowly as she possibly could, Kim turned her head to the side. There was a gap in the fire where the flames had started to die down. If they didn't add more fuel in the next minute or so, the flames would die down.

And then they'd be dead.


AN: I don't think I'm very good at writing thriller/horror or whatever this is, but I hope you're enjoying it :)

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