Jungkook tutted and dropped the trap on the floor. Something had sprung it, but it wasn't the creature. He was sure it was a bear, by the tracks around it. Although disappointed, he knew that the Demon was too clever to be caught so easily.
He sighed, shouldering his hunting rifle and heading back towards his cabin that was hidden deep in the forest, on the edge of what he had calculated to be the hunting grounds of the creature.
All of the evidence pointed out that his home was located in a safe spot, a few metres away from the fence on the edge of the creatures territory. It never went beyond the boundary to hunt, ever. Even in that one instance that Jungkook was being chased, he had barely escaped with his life, just by crossing the boundary.
After that incident, he had carefully drawn the line around the area on his already memorized map, outlining the fence in thick marker.
He knew the area like the back of his hand. But he still couldn't find where the creature resided. There were some areas that Jungkook had not managed to explore as much, due to the terrain and his old uncles warnings, but he was sure that it lived somewhere under the mountain; that was the only area he had not managed to get very close to.
Jungkook had spent years trying to study the demons behaviour, and noticed that it could to go dormant for months at a time, before reappearing and catching an unsuspecting human that had wandered too deep into the forest. And even after all that time, the only thing he knew about it was that it wasn't keen on fire.
It had to have been maybe ten years since the incident at the cabin, and he had only seen the Demon roughly ten times since then. But the Demon had seen him.
It tortured him constantly, screaming his name in his sisters voice during the night, loudly tracking him sometimes in the day so that he was forced to head back home.
He knew it was deliberate; he knew the demon moved quieter than a feather floating through the air. It was if it enjoyed tormenting him - bringing up awful memories of that night, and and showing him that if it wanted to, it could kill him easily.
When he was twelve; two years after the attack that left him orphaned, he had finally been sent to live with his old great uncle, who was a recluse that lived in the woods. He learned how to shoot and track, and how to live from the forest. He already had plans to hunt down this monster and destroy it, but found comfort living with the old man.
He continued his studies, but found a lack evidence that it even existed, until one, fateful night.
He was awoken by the cries of a girl. His sister.
Stuffing his feet into his boots and grabbing the rifle his uncle had given him, he rushed through the cabin and out if the front door.
He called out for his sister, and heard a rustle in the nearby trees, accompanied by yet another cry of "Kookie!"
Without thinking, he had ran towards the noise, only to be grabbed roughly from behind as he just entered the line of trees.
"That ain't your sister, boy!" His uncle cried, turning him and pushing him back, "Get inside! You don't come out to the trees at night!"
Jungkook raced back towards the house, but as he reached the door and turned back, his uncle was no longer there.
There was the sound of a gunshot, amd then a scream that was cut off abruptly. And his uncle never came back to the cabin.
Trying to clear his mind of the bad memories, Jungkook headed back to his cabin. It was getting late, anyway, and there was no way that he'd go our when it was dark. The Demon was strongest in the dark.
As he hopped the fence that cordoned off the deeper parts of the forest (the Demons territory) he noticed a small campsite further up the trail and off to the side.
He tutted angrily, making not to go to the town and talk to the residing officer in charge about who gave them permits. Camping was prohibited in this area, due to the amount of "bear" attacks. They would be safe as long as they didn't venture any deeper - in theory. The Demon never came past the barricades, but could if it wanted to.
He headed up the trail towards the camp, and noticed that there were three small tents, and a group of people around his own age sitting on a fallen tree, tending to a fire.
When they saw him approaching, the two men stood up protectively, their eyes narrow.
Jungkook stopped and lifted his hands, showing he meant no harm.
"Hey," He said, "My name's Jungkook,"
They were met by silence, until one of the girls stood up and walked towards him. She offered her hand.
"I'm Kim," she said, "This is my brother, Jimin," She motioned to a man with dark blonde hair, and he nodded slightly at Jungkook.
"The other guy is our cousin, Yoongi, and his girlfriend, Daisy,"
The girl waved happily at him and Jungkook finally shook Kims hand.
"You know you're not supposed to camp here, right?" Jungkook said, "It's not allowed,"
"Oh, we have a permit," The other girl, Daisy said brightly.
"That's what I was afraid of," Jungkook muttered, "Well be careful, he said, slightly louder, and don't go past the fence for any reason,"
He didn't want to leave these people here, but he couldn't exactly force them away.
"If you need anything at all, no matter what time," He said, lifting his arm to point in the direction of his home, "I live in the cabin in that direction," He paused, looking at the confused faces around him, "Just don't go past the fence," He repeated.
"Why?" Jimin asked, a frown on his face, "We have a permit,"
"Not for that area," Jungkook saod, adjusting the strap of his rifle and. Walking past the camp in the direction of his cabin, "Don't go past the fence," He said, for the third time,"
"Why?" The other man, Yoongi called as he walked away. Jungkook hesitated before answering, but didn't stop walking. It was beginning to get dark, "Bears," he called back.
"Big fucking bears,"
AN: currently lying in bed in paaaaiiiinnn so wrote this. Soz if it sucks, but the backstory and main story haven't even begun muahahahahahaha
Yes, I am on very strong medication so sorry

Wendigo || JJK || ✔️
Fanfiction"Hey!" He screamed, rushing forward and swinging the poker. He struck the creature on it's side and it turned its white head slowly to look at him with dead, hollowed out eyes hidden in the socket of it's skull. Jeon Jungkooks family was destroyed b...