Kim was shaking as she led the way slowly back through the tunnels. She would have admitted to anyone who asked that she was terrified beyond belief, but the tiny amount of time she had spent with Jungkook had given her enough courage to try and get her family out. Of course, she would have tried regardless of whether she had met Jungkook, but at least she had a little more confidence in herself.
She was focusing so hard on the sounds around her that she had almost forgotten that she had to use her eyes too. When her foot made contact with some kind of skull on the floor of the corridor, she leapt back, pulling the flare from her back pocket, ready to light it. She didn't know her reflexes were so good and let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was just a skull. A human skull.
She didn't even have a reaction for that anymore. There were more important things to worry about than old bones.
"Fuck, I think I know the answer already, but can we take a breather, just for a moment?" Kim turned when she heard the breathy voice of her brother. He was looking deathly pale, and Yoongi looked like he was struggling to keep him on his feet.
"Let's get out of the tunnels first," She whispered back, "Just in case. Please Jimin, just a little more,"
Jungkook could see the lumbering demon in front of him and readied his rifle. Maybe if he caught it unaware, he could inflict a lot more damage than usual.
He thought back to when Kim told him about the crack in the bleached white skull and lifted his rifle, aiming between the long, curving antlers.
However, he paused when he realised something.
It had stopped moving.
Slowly, without a sound, Jungkook stepped backwards, pressing his body to the damp wall of the cave. He stopped moving just as the demon spun around, quicker than the blink of an eye. One moment it was facing the other direction, the next it wasn't.
It stood still for a moment, and he could see the yellowed eyes rolling around in the stretched out skull, looking at the area around it.
After a moment, it tilted its head to the side. It hadn't seen Jungkook, but it had heard the others leaving the cave.
The demon moved, suddenly silent on its lanky legs and brushed passed where Jungkook was motionless against the wall. It was clearly going to intercept Kim and her family, and he couldn't allow that. He had promised to keep them safe, so that was what he was going to do.
Slowly, he lifted the rifle, bracing the butt against his shoulder and aiming at the base of the skull. The body was a bigger target, but if he hit the skull, he had more of a chance of getting the creature to go down for a little longer.
However, as his finger began to squeeze the trigger, the demon spun, a rage-filled scream coming up out of its throat.
It charged at him, and Jungkook managed to let out one round, hitting it square in the chest. It stumbled backwards, but only for a moment. Jungkook backed up, readying his gun and fired again, aiming for the head.
This time, the demon ducked out of the way, and the bullet crashed uselessly into the wall of the tunnel behind it. Before he could ready his gun again, the demon was on him, long fingers gripping his neck and lifting him off the floor.
Jungkook struggled, trying to kick the thin, muscular body with his feet as he slammed his fists into the arm. He could feel his oxygen cut off as the demon squeezed, a growl rising up out of its throat as it moved its grinding teeth closer to him.
His mouth flapped open and shut as his limbs began to grow weak and black dots floated across his vision. He was so close to passing out, yet he couldn't break free.
Jungkook grunted as his baby sisters voice came from the mouth of the demon. It was tormenting him even as it slowly strangled him.
Kim and her family turned their heads at the sound of the gunshot echoing through the tunnels.
"Oh no," She whispered, "We have to get out of here!"
"We're trying!" Yoongi grunted under Jimins slowly increasing weight. He was struggling to keep his cousin upright.
"Jungkook wouldn't fire his gun unless he had to," Kim hissed, "And I can't hear or see him running in our direction, so something went wrong!"
"I can do it," Jimin's voice was dull, as if he was on the verge of falling asleep, "I can do it. Let's go,"
AN: Sorry for the long wait and such a crappy chapter!

Wendigo || JJK || ✔️
Fanfiction"Hey!" He screamed, rushing forward and swinging the poker. He struck the creature on it's side and it turned its white head slowly to look at him with dead, hollowed out eyes hidden in the socket of it's skull. Jeon Jungkooks family was destroyed b...