"Hey!" He screamed, rushing forward and swinging the poker. He struck the creature on it's side and it turned its white head slowly to look at him with dead, hollowed out eyes hidden in the socket of it's skull.
Jeon Jungkooks family was destroyed b...
Daisy screamed as she felt someone grab her outstretched hand and drag her back.
"I told you to stay in the house!" Jungkook yanked Daisy roughly back, but he felt her go rigid, just before she screamed again.
Jungkook threw her behind him, lifting his rifle and aiming it at the creature emerging from the treeline.
It was unnaturally tall, and looked so thin it was emaciated. It was covered in some kind of brown, patchy fur, and its arms and legs were long and thing, ending in clawed fingers and toes. The scariest part of the Demon wasn't the long, bleached white skull on the top of its neck, or the huge pair of antlers growing out of the top of the skull, but the eyes. The dead, unblinking yellowed eyes hidden so far into the hollowed out, black sockets in the skull that unless the light of the moon caught them, it was as if it had no eyes at all.
The creature growled menacingly, the teeth at the front of the elongated skull gnashing just enough so a grinding sound could be heard in the air around it.
"Run to the house," Jungkook hissed at Daisy, who was stock still behind him, "Now!"
With a scream that sounded more like a whimper, Daisy turned and ran as fast as she could towards Jungkooks cabin. The Demon let out a roar of rage and charged towards the fence, but Jungkook fired his rifle at it's chest.
The Demon stumbled, letting out a shriek, but Jungkook stood his ground, staring angrily straight into the creatures dead eyes, holding his rifle in strong, steady hands.
He knew his rifle wouldn't kill the creature, but it did hurt it, even if temporarily. The two stared at eachother as the Demon reached the fence, but as Jungkook had predicted before, it didn't cross the threshold.
After a few moments and another menacing growl, the Demon stepped back, melting into the darkness of the night trees.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, before slowly backing up and running to his cabin, where he slammed and locked the door again.
He turned furiously to face Daisy, who was cowering and crying on the sofa with Kims arms around her.
"Are you fucking stupid?!" He yelled, placing his rifle down carefully, "You could have fucking died! Did you not learn anything from earlier?! I told you to stay in the house!"
"I'm sorry!" Daisy sobbed, "I heard Yoongi's voice! It felt wrong, but I thought it was him!"
"Of course it wouldn't be him!" Jungkook cried, "We already established that the Demon has him!"
"Stop shouting at her!" Kim yelled, standing up, "We aren't experts about this like you! We've been through something hard, and she thought she heard her boyfriend! Of course she's going to help him!"
"Fucks sake," Jungkook muttered, running his fingers through his hair, "Don't leave the cabin again, do you understand?!"
Daisy nodded and Kim sat back down next to her.
"What was that thing?" Daisy whispered, "It was terrifying,"
Jungkook was silent. He was tired and irritated at himself for not being more careful. He headed into his kitchen to put his kettle on to make himself and the girls a coffee. He was hoping they would stop talking, but they didn't.
"I saw it too," Kim said, "From the window. I've never seen anything like that, even in the movies,"
"That's because movies are from peoples imaginations," Jungkook muttered, pouring hot water into three mugs, "Movies are made for entertainment, so they make the monsters look as horrifying as possible. But they aren't real,"
"This didn't look as horrifying as a movie monster," Kim agreed, "But I could feel terror just by looking at it,"
"That's because it's real," Jungkook said, "It's flesh and bone and it's dangerous,"
He put some milk and a lot of sugar in the girls coffee, as he thought that they could use some sugar so help them feel better, and placed the mugs on the breakfast bar, "Come and drink this,"
The girls both stood up and moved to the bar. Daisy was still trembling, but they voiced their thanks and sipped at the hot liquid.
Jungkook leaned against his counter as he took a sip of his own coffee.
"What is it?" Kim asked again, "If we are going out to find my brother and cousin tomorrow, we need to know more about it,"
Jungkook sipped his coffee. Kim made a good point, so he nodded and put his mug back on the counter, "Alright," He said, "Follow me,"
He moved from the kitchen area and down the hallway, glancing over his shoulder quickly to see that the girls were following him. When he saw that they were, he opened a door at the end of his hallway, next to his bedroom.
He flicked a light on and headed down a flight of rickety looking stairs and into a large basement. There were huge containers dotted at close, regular intervals around the room, and in between two of them, was another door.
"What is this place?" Kim asked, looking around as Jungkook headed for the other door.
"They're fuel tanks," He said quietly, "Don't touch them. They're very flammable,"
He opened the door and went into the little room inside, followed by Kim and Daisy.
"Wow," Kim said, her eyes wide as she glanced around the room. Each and every wall was covered in maps, and sketches and drawings of the demon. There were newspaper clippings of missing people, and weather reports for the area, as well as piles of paper and an old, leather bound journal sitting on the big desk that was up against one wall.
"What is this thing?" She said, stepping into the room and gently tapping a large drawing that was attached to the wall.
"It's a Demon," Jungkook said, "That I've been researching for years. It's behaviour is very close to something that is well known in Native American myths and legends, but I can't be sure that it's the same thing,"
"What creature is it similar to?" Daisy asked quietly.
"A Wendigo," Jungkook replied, "This Demon acts like the mythical Wendio,"