Chapter 15 - Supreme Leader Snoke

Start from the beginning

Then I heard a laugh. It wasn't jolly or warm, it was cold. Coming from a potentially lifeless being. I looked up and saw Snoke laughing.

"Oh she's quite the catch, my apprentice." He said, looking at Ren.

"That was the most successful block I have ever encountered. No cracks, no holes. She has fully closed her mind off."

Ren stayed quiet, back straight, stance on full attention. I stood up, my legs still wobbly, but still managing to hold my weight.

"I trust you've been keeping her training in check? And that she is constantly improving?"

"Yes" Ren answered.

"Good, good"

Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted up, I was turned around, facing Ren and then dropped to the floor.

"Show me" Snoke said.


Ren's head looked up to Snoke, asking for answers to what was the meaning of this.

"I'm not fighting you again, Ren." I said.

Snoke laughed.

"She's feisty. Unfortunately, you have no choice. Now, my apprentice, show me what more strength she possesses."

Kylo please

He took out his lightsaber and activated it. I sighed, taking mine and activating it as well.

Guess we're doing this again

I decided to try something and swung the saber around my hand, playing with it for a bit. When Ren ran towards me I was ready, I stepped aside and kicked his back, making him stumble forwards. He turned around, seething, and took a big swing of his saber on me, I blocked it and we fought. Blow after blow.

Ren was stronger this time. He wasn't going to allow me to show him up in front of his own master. I tried keeping up with his speed and blocked every swing he took. He swung again and I blocked it, the sabers clashing just above my head. He pushed forward and I kept my balance, one foot poised behind the other for support. I couldn't see his face. His mask was in the way. I didn't know how he was feeling about all this.

With a grunt I fell down the floor on my side as I failed to try and uppercut Ren's mask again. Instead of the back of my saber touching his jaw, he stepped back, dodging it and swept my leg.

Well played, Ren

He used the move I'd victimized him twice with earlier. I pushed myself up and stood, a bit dizzg from the sudden action of standing. Ren wasted no time and swung towards me, I clashed my saber with his and we swung at each other simultaneously. Then, all of a sudden, as I was about to swing at Ren, my lightsaber flew from my hand. Ren and I looked at it as it flew right into Snoke's hand.

"Let's make things more interesting." He grinned.

I glared at him and looked back at Ren. Surely, he wasn't going to fight ne anymore? Not like this?

But I was wrong.

Ren swung towards my head and I had to bend back to dodge it. The impact was so sudden that I landed back on the floor with a thud. Looking up at Snoke, it was a stupid move, but I tried to anyway. I held my hand out and tried to make my lightsaber leave Snoke's hand and go back to mine,  I used all my focus for it, but then I saw it spark.

"If you continue this, you'll destroy it."

That made me stop. I was not going to let anyone destroy my last remembrance of my dad and my home planet. I stopped and turned to Ren, just in time as he was charging for me again. He had swung at me and hit arm.

I let out a scream and fell down on the floor, a huge gash on the left arm. I bit my lip and tried to steady myself on the floor.

"It seems she is only strong when holding her trinket." Snoke sneered.

Oh that is it

With a loud grunt, I stood and struck Ren with Force lightning using my right hand. He fell back on the floor. I used the force to make his saber fly towards my open hand and caught it. My wound still bleeding out, I ignore it and leapt up, landing just beside Ren. I pointed his lightsaber to his chin.

Then Snoke was laughing again.

"There it is! The power! The talent! The spirit! The force strong within!" He exclaimed.

My vision was starting to get a bit hazy now, and I knew it was from blood loss. The only thing that made me focus my last bit of consciousness though, was what Snoke said after.

"Ah, welcome back, General."

I looked up and saw none other than Hux in all his glory. Dressed up in his uniform, clean and prim as ever. No signs of ever going through struggle. I was dumbfounded. He was back. He was back. He's alive.

"You're timing is most impeccable." Snoke continued.

Just then, I felt Ren's saber pulled from my hand and a sharp pain in my leg. He had struck me. I lost all control and balance as I fell to the floor on my side again. The wound on my arm hurting as I landed on it. Losing consciousness, tiny spots appeared in my periphery until they filled my entire vision, and everything went black.

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