Chapter 15

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    A/N (Scroll a bit if you just wanna get to the story lol)
First off, I am so sorry for the lack of updates! I've been bad about finishing schoolwork, art commissions, this story, ect. Forgive me ;-;
Anyway, story related: I've been thinking about changing the POV. Currently it is in second person. I'm gonna switch it up to first person (story is told by the character).

(Thank you to @hina_chan__ for commenting the suggestion and confirming my idea ;v;)

Now!!! Back to the story!

(Your POV)

   I'm starting to regret my choice to leave Link and do this on my own. Honestly, what good would it bring to leave him all alone...? But, alas, I'm too far into this mess to turn back. I just barely got away with the precious heirloom belonging to the Gerudo. That chubby old man stumbled into me while I was sneaking out. He demanded a battle, but, I'm not really for that. I just booked it out of there.

   As I'm making my way to the Gerudo village, I'm encountered by an electric Lazolfos. I plop the heirloom on the ground and pull back my bow, only to remember the lizard monsters release a dome of electricity when hit on their horn- their weak spot. Looks like I can't bow and arrow this one out.

   I grab the helm from the sand and plop it on my head to keep it from getting in the way. Its a tad big, but I can still see through it. I draw my spear - one given to me by Link - and begin swinging it wildly. I have almost no experience with such a weapon, but I'm not risking close combat with a short sword. Unfortunately, with swinging the spear willy nilly and the helm slightly blocking my vision, I smack the Lizalfos directly on his horn. I brace myself, but feel nothing. Maybe it wasn't an electric one...?

   I looke up and see the large dome of electricity around me as the Lizalfos falls to the ground defeated.

   "Woah..." It seems this heriloom is a bit more than just a family hat.

   I continue looking around, mouth agape, before I snap out of it and boom with pride. Hell yeah, I just did that. Imagine how rad that would look from someone else's standpoint! I finally swollow my pride, collect the items from the fallen enemy, and continue on my way. The town is in sights, Ill be there in no time.

  (Link's POV)

   "Dude. Come on! I'm in a bit of a rush!" The pig-like man ignores my complaining and summons three spiked balls. I grab my bow and shoot at him, but it's no use. He's got some sort of shield protecting him. The balls begin spinning around him as he mumbles some language I don't understand. As he's about to hurl the spikey madness at me, the shield drops and I take my chance.

   BAM! Headshot! He looses his focus and the balls come crashing down on him. He is thrown to the ground by the force of the impact, so I once again take my chance and start whaling on him with my sword. He just kinda... sits there and takes it for a few moments before returning to his original postion. He once again summons three spiked balls, so I once again shoot when his shield is down. He falls, I slash at him, then it repeats. We do this a few times before he gets fed up and summons two larger balls and does the exact same thing. Shield down, I shoot, he falls, I slash. And again. One more time. He stops for a short temper tantrum, then summons one giant ball. This time, he has the ball chasing me. The ball is metal, so I do the obvious thing and use magnesis. Aha! Didn't expect that, didja, fatty? I grab the ball with the magnesis and chuck it at him. He once again falls, I once again slash. He mumbles a bit about his ancestors or something, then summons ANOTHER giant ball. This one is actually quite scary.

   As he iss rambling on, the ball starts slowly rolling his way, forcing him to move backwards in a panic. The ball keeps rolling, he keeps hopping backwards, until he hops right into the seemingly bottomless pit behind him. I take a peek into the pit, only to see the last bit of light reflecting off the spiked ball as it chases the man down the hole. Poor dude.

   With the battle finally over, I rush out of the hideout and make my way to the Gerudo Town. It would only make sense for Y/N to head there next.

    (Your POV)
    I once again make my way into the village. As I enter, people stare at the heirloom resting in my arms. People cheer, cry, laugh, you name it. The people of the Gerudo Town had hope once again.

   "Chief Riju, I offer you the heirloom of your peoples." I bow slightly with my arms outstreched, holding the helm.

   "I'm-I'm stunned! You and Link have managed to retrieve this precious item in less than two days, while my gards have been working on it for several weeks! Oh, uhm, speaking of Link... where is he?" she glanced around as if expecting him to walk in at any second.

   "A-ah, well, you see, he... was slightly injured, as is uh, resting at Kara Kara Bazaar," I lied. I'm a bad liar.

   "Hmm..." Please buy it pleaaaaase buy it... "Well," she began, "give him my regards. I hope he heals up soon. Oh, and," she stood up and scavenged through a chest by her throne. "Take these. The sword and shield of the champion Urbosa. You and Link can decide who gets what." She walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, Y/N. You have done well, but our battle is not yet over. Return to me when you and Link are ready to challenge the devine beast Naboris." She then pulled me into a hug. "Now go! You and Link need rest. I will see you very soon, young hero." I got a bit flustered when she said 'hero.' Hah, I guess I am a hero. Kinda. Not really. But I'll take it!

   With a final bow, I left the throne room and made my way out of the town. Now to find Link...

   "Y/N! YOU BASTARD!" I heard a shout in the distance. Oh dear. I glance around until my eyes fall upon a very out of breath Link. He stumbles up beside me.

   "Wassup?" I teased nervously. He looked stunned. His face wore many expressions, I couldn't tell what else he was feeling.

   He finally collapsed into me and shook slightly. I think he's... crying? Oh boy. Now I've done it.

   We both sat down next to the border walls of Gerudo Town. I can see his face clearly now. Not crying, but shaking with every breath.

   "Oh god Link, are you okay?! Have you eaten?" I begin searching through my bag, but his words stop me.

   "Y/n, why did you do that? Something bad could have happened." His voice was shakey and at a lower pitch than normal. "You're all I have here. Please don't do that ever again."

   I was taken back by this. Im not used to him in this state. This time I embraced him, repeating over and over how sorry I was.

   The sun started sinking below the horizon, leaving us with the chill of the desert air. I helped Link up, then we made our way back to Kara Kara Bazaar.

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