Chapter 7

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(Your POV)
   You sleepily open you eyes and glance at your surroundings. The air was cold, but you felt unusually warm. Looking over to your right, the blonde haired boy lay sleeping. Quite cutely, you must admit. You assumed he must have gotten too cold by himself, or something like that. Deciding you were still tired, you lay back and fall asleep once more.

   All around you are your friends and family. Link, too. You feel safe. Cozy. But they start backing away. Their walk turns into a jog, then a run. As if they were fleeing from some unexplainable creature. You attempted to call out to them, only to find your voice drowned out by the sound of static. Link was the last one there. You turned to him, but he simply shook his head and joined the rest. You were crying, screaming, you didn't deserve this.

   "(Y/n!) (Y/n!)"

   "PLEASE!" You wake up a sobbing mess, clinging onto the blanket. Another nightmare. You tend to have these quite often. Anxiety makes it almost impossible to gave good things without worry, and the worry is usually in the form of a dream.

   "(Y/n), it's okay. You're okay. It was just a dream." Link's soothing voice pulled you out of your daze as you wiped a few tears. You layed back, landing it his lap. You didn't care though, and it was obvious he didn't either.

   "Sorry," you said sniffling, "that happens a lot. Sorry. It's embarrassing."

   "It's okay, no need to apologise. What we're you dreaming about?"

   You shook your head, not wanting to answer the question at the moment. You wanted to think it over longer before sharing it with someone else.

   "Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot," you finally murmured.   He simply nodded his head and put his hand on your head, messing with your hair. You had barely met this boy a few days ago, but felt an extreme connection with him. It felt right. You'd like to consider him your best friend, he acted like it. His sudden appearance had already changed so much of you day to day life, and you loved it. He really means a lot to you.

(Link's POV)
   You slowly landed your hand on her head, unsure if she would allow. After her giving no sign of resistance or tension, you started playing with her hair. It had a very soft texture, very enjoyable to mess with.

   The two of you sat in silence for a bit longer before (y/n) stood up.

   "We better get going now, shouldn't we?" she said, offering a hand. You took the offer and stood up, nodding your head in agreement.

   "We're not too far from the next stable. We should actually reach Gerudo town itself in the next few days, if not sooner," you announced. Patting the dirt off your clothes, you took a glance at (y/n). She looked conflicted. You open your mouth to say something, but then decide against it. If she wanted to share her thoughts, she would do it at her own pace. You didn't want to force anything onto her. She packed up the camp equipment while you readied the horses, and the two of you were soon on the road once again.

   You had the horses speed up, and you reached the outskirts of a vast desert just before the sun set. Just like you had stated earlier, you had arrived at a stable. According to a stable workers there, the walk to Gerudo town would only take a few hours. (Y/n) seemed full of energy while you, on the other hand, could barely walk.

   "How about I get some food while you get us some beds, yeah?" (Y/n) walked off in the direction of the cooking pot. Heading into the building, you rent two beds. Though, you would be perfectly okay with just one. Not even five minutes later, you smell the sweet aroma of an omelette. You fucking LOVE omelettes. You quickly get over to the cooking pot, your mouth already watering.

   "Calm down, it's not even done yet," (y/n) pokes at you playfully. "Another minute or so. Take a seat."

   You obediently do as she asked and stare off into the distance.

(Your POV)

   "Link, it's done," you say. When he didn't respond, you shake him a little, snapping him out of his daze. You hand out the food and immediately dig in. You take a moment to aknowlage your surroundings as they were much different from what you were used to. A few rock pillars shot up from the ground, purple rushrooms dotted here and there. There was barely any green whatsoever, any plant life that managed to survive here was as bleak as it's background. Despite all this, it was still beautiful. The sky was now black with stars scattered about here and there. The mountains had become a silhouette, making for the prefect scenery. This was nice. Peaceful. You were filled with a yearning to explore more, see what everything had to offer.

   This was kinda dramatic, sorry! I'm getting to more interesting parts soon, don't worry.

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