"Indeed, then what brings you to our village?"

"I-I..." he started

"Can't you see he came to fetch water? Why all the questions?"

Uyai looked at Affiong as if she had lost her brain. Of all the excuse she could come up with, she just had to bring that one, she had really lost her brain cells.

She turned to Edem and acknowledge him with a blank expression " You mean to say you  came all the way from your village just so you can fetch water here?"

"I-I..No! I mean y-yes?" he shrugged.

Was he answering or asking?

"Really?" she frowned.

"Yes?" he said again.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Uyai asked. It was beginning to get extremely annoying; the fact that they thought she was so stupid.

"Its definitely a yes!" Affiong butted in. Uyai just wished she would shut up.

"Right. And he just happens to be the only man here in the stream. Fetching water must really be his hobby." she scowled at her sister. Could you at least be wise for once. "I believe there must be something special about our stream that made you come all the way. Is it the water? Or rather something else?"

"Ha.Ha" he choked out a nervous laugh, scratching his head.

Uyai raised an eyebrow. She was so not amused.

"I am curious though. Don't you have sisters?"

"I do." He replied immediately.

"And of course your sisters can't fetch water. Tell me, are they handicapped?"

"God forbid it. No!"he rebuked.

"Let me guess, the water in your village stream must be so badly contaminated, you had no choice but to save them the trouble by directly coming here right? You're such a nice brother." She said and began moving with her water pot to where the water was flowing steadily.

"Exactly that." he said and Uyai paused. She looked back at him. He was more stupid than she thought. Apparently he doesn't understand what it means to be sarcastic. It was ridiculous even after everything they both knew, he couldn't even come up with a more believable excuse. She couldn't help admit that the two were so right for each other. But mind you, he still wasn't getting her approval. Definitely not in this life.

"Indeed. Sister why don't we fetch the water." she turned to Affiong. "You. Why don't you help with a water pot since yours is missing."  she shoved one water pot into his hands while she carried the other.

"S-Sure." He grunted as the water pot hit him a little too hard.

"After you." she made way for them and noticed as they stole a glance at each other. Uyai not only noticed that, she also noticed that Affiong was being so compliant which was so unusual.
She knew she had to be wary. Affiong was too quiet, too quiet and it gave her the chills. Still she couldn't help but enjoy this moment; this moment of having an edge over her sister.

"Here, let me help you." Her grandmother said, and she bent forward enabling her to bring the water pots down one by one from head. "I don't know why you insist on carrying two water pot, and with your tiny frame I wonder how you achieve that. Don't you know its not good for your posture? Carrying one is enough" she complained

"Mama you keep saying that, don't you think its better? It'll save me the stress from going back and forth. Besides, I'm a strong girl mama." she huffed when the last pot was brought down. She straightened her back and her back bones readjusted with a crack.

UYAI ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora