▪ Chapter Eleven [Dragon Time!] {Edited} ▪

Start from the beginning

"That'll teach you to mess with a Cinderella", a mysterious voice laughed above her dragon and it suddenly disappeared.

🍎Hawk's POV🍎

I carried Rose in my arms as my dragon flew to the finish line. I didn't care about anything anymore, I just needed her to be okay.

"Rose, stay with me please", I whispered looking down at her unconscious figure, “You’ll be fine."

Once I made it to the finish line I could see the teachers looking at me. I jumped down from my dragon and carried Rose while running to them.

"Oh dear, what happened?", Magister Rapunzel asked, seeming concerned.

"I don't know, she was knocked off her dragon. No idea how that happened", I replied.

"I believe she was hit with some sort of spell", I heard a familiar voice behind us. I turned around and saw the one and only Adrian in his dragon armor.

"Why do you think so?", granny asked him.

"Shortly after Rose, Vicky was knocked off as well. It can't be just a coincident. Someone must've hit both of them with a spell", he said, "Who knows what the spell was."

"Hawk, let's take her to the Cinderella castle, we'll figure out what happened there", Principle Cinderella said and motioned for me to follow her so I did.

"Adrian, inform the other students the race is over and bring Vicky over to the castle", Coach Beast said to him, however I couldn't hear what Adrian's response was.

We got on our dragons and flew over to Cinderella castle. As we flew I just couldn't help but feel like a failure. I was supposed to protect her and what did I do? Just let her get hurt. Nice job "Princess Saver" you couldn't even save her. If Mirror Hawk was here he would give me such a lecture right now. Ugh.


I walked through the halls of the castle. Minutes seemed to turn into hours as I waited for something, anything to just confirm she was okay.

I walked over to the room in which she and the teachers were in and knocked.

"Come in", Dr. Le Frog replied and I walked in, closing the door behind me.

"Will she be okay?", I asked after a moment of silence.

"We aren't sure", Cinderella said.

"Will she survive?", I asked, not believing the words coming out of my mouth. She had to. My life would fall apart without her.

"Most likely", Rapunzel said and my granny continued, “You can leave now Hawk. We'll call you later."

"Alright", I left, hesitating but complying with my grandmother's needs. I sighted once out of the room.

Something fishy is going on here, and I have a feeling they know and aren't saying it.


💎Cinderella's POV💎

"Oh my Fairy GodMother, what will I do?", I sat down in my chair, holding my head as a headache came to me.

"Cinderella, what happened today was very dangerous but we have to stay positive. We cannot let this distract our studies or let any of our students to get hurt", Rapunzel spoke.

"But how can we be sure this wont happen again", Beauty said, concerned.

"Vicky said an invisible force knocked her down from her dragon. It's safe to assume the same happened to Rose. Which can only mean", Snow White said looking out the window.

"She's back and we have to stop her again", I sighted knowing it had come to this, “I’ll give the locket to Rose tomorrow, she should keep her safe."

"Let's not make too many assumptions", Rapunzel commented, “We’ll see what happens in the next few days and then we'll act upon it."

"I won't risk this one Rapunzel", I got up and unlocked the drawer in which the box was kept in, “Rose, your Fairy GodMother is here."

👑To be continued........👑

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