The truth

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"(M/n)... You're making yourself blind."

I rubbed the back of my head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Remember how I said how ghouls are able to change their RC cells to structure their own kagune to their benefit?"

I nodded.

"That means ghouls are able to mess with their RC cells if they know how to do it right. Like how you're able to make yourself blind. You're eyes were slashed by a CCG before you passed out. And from there on, you subconsciously was able to tell your RC cells not to heal your eyes." She explained.

Either it was just me or this was confusing as hell. How can a ghoul even do that? Especially me. I'm talentless. Let alone able to tell my self not to heal my eyes. Why would I even want that? And why can't I remember the moment I passed out?

"You're not believing any of this are you." Eto said.

I shook my head no. "I mean how am I supposed to when I don't even remember why I wanted to blind myself. I mean. What's my reason?"

 "Hide." She answered.

I looked down. What does Hide have to do with anything? 

"You ok?" Eto questioned as she walked over to me.

I pushed away her hand and backed away. "You're lying to me."

"I'm not. What would I get from you?"

"I don't know... Something. It just doesn't make sense. I'm not smart enough to control my RC cells to my will." 

"You are."

"No i'm not!"

"Yes you are (l/n). You won't believe me now but you will later. You'll see the truth on your own."

I listened as Eto walked off. The door opened the shut. Her foot steps echoed out the hallway. But there was another in the room.

"What do you want Ayato?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just came here to check up on you."

"You heard everything right?"

There was silence. I gripped my hand and then sighed.

"Is what she said true?" I questioned, sitting down.

"..... Yes." Ayato finally answered.

I sniffled. "I don't understand."

Bitting my lower lips, I held back the tears that were threatening to fall.

I could hear him walk over to me, wrapping his arms around my body. "It's ok. You can tell me what's wrong."

I gripped onto his shirt and started to cry. "Everything is wrong! I could have seen you. Hide. Everyone. I could get to see how beautiful everything looks. But no. I don't remember a fucking thing. I don't even know why I chose to blind myself."

Ayato rubbed my back soothingly.

"It's ok... It's ok." He whispered quietly.

"No it's not." I hiccuped, sobbing into his chest. "It's not ok Ayato... I just want to see."

The Blind Stray (Tokyo ghoul x Male reader) POSTPONEDWhere stories live. Discover now