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I have no sides. Like those neutrals... but I'm a little different. It's more like I swivel in between things. Well... I mean I killed ghouls who killed for no purpose. There was man who is the same in some ways. He went by the name, One eye or Centipede. But he always said I should call him Kaneki. Kaneki was different from all the ghouls I met. He reminded me of.... myself. I met him in the 20th ward. It was on accident. I was at a book signing. That was how we first met. I only knew little of him at the time, but afterwards we became, what you'd call an acquaintance. I never really worked with him, I never worked with anyone, but he always reeled me in. Like a fish on a line. He was fun. But for now I was with my boyfriend.

"(M/n). You ok?" He asked.

I couldn't help but smile at his worries. I fixed his concerned possibly face, lifting it into a smile.

"I'm alright Hide." I chuckled.

Hide brought me into a hug. I hugged back, kissing the side of his cheek.

"I get so worried when I never see you eat." Hide said. "And I rarely ever see you."

I broke the hug and brushed his hair back.

"I eat when when I'm out and a job is a job. Besides. You have your investigations to work on." I said.

Hide grabbed my hand and held it close to his lips.

"But I'm scared of your safety. You never know what could happen out there. What if one day I won't see you again." Hide shook.

I moved closer to him, sitting on his lap. "That'll never happen Hide. I'm going to stay alive for you. I promise you I won't die. I'm strong." I said showing him my 'muscles'.

Hide cracked a smile and kissed my hand.

"I love you so much." Hide whispered.

I pecked his nose. "And I love you more." 

I could feel his cheeks lighting up. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was being.

"Your laughs are so adorable." Hide said.

"No they aren't." I denied.

"Yes they are. I'm so happy that everything about you belongs to me." Hide said as he hugged me.

I could feel his cold hands go up my shirt, making me shiver. He began to rub my waist.

"Hide. Why are your hands so cold?" I asked.

"You're just sensitive." Hide replied a minute later before licking my neck.

I thumbed Hide's face, making him look at me. I gave him a small smile before kissing him on the lips. Hide gripped my waist, kissing me a little roughly. He then pulled back a bit and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry." He whispered before roting away.

I silently screamed, shooting up awake, hyperventilating and crying. "Hide." I sobbed in my hands.

My best friend. My love life. My reason to keep going everyday. I missed him. He was my everything. I was his everything. His warmth. His light. And now he was gone. Slipped right through my fingers. I want him back in my arms. But... That wouldn't happen.

It was all my fault obviously. I should have been there for him when he told me to. But instead I went to war with Kaneki... Kaneki? How was he doing anyways. What did he even think about his friends death. I mean yeah I felt him carrying Hide's body to the CCG... I think. You know that feeling when you can tell who is who? And I think thats where I lost control of myself. I destroyed... myself. I didn't even remember who I was... Until a week ago. Why?

I looked down at my hands... But I couldn't see a thing.

'Right. I'm blind.' I thought.

Yet, everything was so clear to me. Like I could actually see everything. It was just a feeling though. I could grasp the color orange it and it would have this nice warm feeling. Like when you sun bathe under the sun. That what Hide felt like. He always told me his hair was orange and that was his favorite color.

 Also... My sensory was off the chart. And people said a blind ghoul was impossible. I always defeated the impossible, because anything was possible. Especially this day and time. Ghouls not really ghouls. Have you heard about their genetic mutations? These half ghouls called, Quinckes, are killing other ghouls and working for the CCG. Not that I give a fuck. They can do what ever the hell they want. I won't care. Why should I? It's not affecting me... Other then they try to hunt me down everyday. But who cares. They all die anyways. Well... Some of em. I'll accidentally kill them if they get on my nerves or in my way.

"Now then. Time to get to business."

The Blind Stray (Tokyo ghoul x Male reader) POSTPONEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora