It's a girl

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It was the morning. Newt slowly stood up from where he was. He was at the same place that he was with Minho the other night. His hair was messy and his face was wet of his tears. He didn't close an eye of the night. He took the direction of the maze doors but before that he had to go see Chuck. He knew what he did to him wasn't right.

He found him walking to the doors.

Newt: Hey Chuck! Can I talk to you for a second?

Chuck was stressed. He knew that Newt was a good guy but he was afraid that he called him to be mad at him because he made a mistake. Like yesterday.But he nodded and walked to him.

Newt smiled to him.

Him: I really wanted to give you apologizes. That wasn't fair what I did. This isn't your fault I promise to you! I was just really mad about Ben that I couldn't control myself. I just wanted to be alone. But I'm sorry that I throw it to you. You know I would never think a word about what I said to you.

Chuck gave him a smile

Chuck: Yes I know Newt don't worry about it! And your apologies are accepted! I think yesterday was a rough day and we all get through it in our proper way. You just freak out it's totally normal and I fully understand that!

Newt was really happy that he could understand him.

Him: Do you want to go see if he's there with me?

Chuck: Sure!

They walked to the doors and saw Minho who was already there waiting for the doors to open.

Few minutes later they finally opened. But Thomas wasn't there. They waited about 5 minutes. Ten minutes while they were waiting some of the gladers get bored to wait for nothing so they slowly get back to their work.

Two hours later everyone had leave the doors except Newt,Minho and Chuck who were still waiting for a miracle to happen. Minho looked at Newt

Him: I know I said to you yesterday that I would gave you my breakfast if he came back but I'm afraid I will have to eat it.

He left the two boys and no longer after, Chuck left too.

Newt was waiting alone now.

He has been waiting for one more hour and he gave up. He was so sad. His Tommy won't came back. So he slowly walk away from the doors when suddenly he heard someone calling him.



This sound came from behind him. He knew that voice. It was him!

Newt turned around and saw Thomas who slowly walk away from the maze and stopped when he saw him.

Thomas started running to go see Newt and Newt did the same even if he got his limp.

They finally arrived to each other and gave each other a hug.

Tears of happiness were rolling on the face of each of the boys. They were still hugging each other when Newt said to him.

Newt: Bloody hell Tommy I really thought I lost you!!

He started sobbing and Thomas broke their embrace and took Newt's face in his hands.

Him: I'm here Newt! I wouldn't leave you for anything! You mean too much for me I couldn't leave you! And I found a way out!

Newt was shocked

Newt: Really??

The gladers started to realized that Thomas made it so they came all to say him hello.

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